Hillary Clinton is “Sick and Tired” of Barack Obama

Hillary Clinton, April 2003: “I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you’re not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration!”


Here’s Barack Obama, July 1, taking a very different view:

Partial transcript, starting at 1:58:

“…We could do so much more if we just rallied around an economic patriotism, a sense that our job is to get things done as one nation and as one people.

BarackObamahugsHillaryClintonStillEconomic patriotism would say that instead of protecting corporations that are shipping jobs overseas, let’s make sure they’re paying their fair share of taxes, let’s reward American workers and businesses that hire them. Let’s put people to work rebuilding America. Let’s invest in manufacturing, so the next generation of good manufacturing jobs are right here, made in the USA. That would be something to celebrate on the 4th of July.

Economic patriotism says that instead of stacking the deck in the favor of folks just at the top, let’s harness the talents and ingenuity of every American and give every child access to quality education, and make sure that if your job was stamped obsolete or shipped overseas, you’re going to get retrained for an even better job.

Economic patriotism says that instead of making it tougher for middle-class families to get ahead, let’s reward hard work for every American. Let’s make sure women earn pay that’s equal to their efforts. Let’s make sure families can make ends meet if their child gets sick and they need to take a day off. Let’s make sure no American who works full-time ever has to live in poverty…”

(Hat tip to White House Dossier for transcript and link to video.)

Are you still sick and tired, Hillary?

Reporters should ask her about this.

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