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Congress Updating The Antiquated Antiquities Act of 1906, by Teresa Platt /
The House Resources Committee, Subcommittee on Public Lands and Environmental Regulation, held a fascinating hearing on efforts to update the antiquated Antiquities Act of 1906. Congressman Rob Bishop of Utah did an excellent job chairing the hearing. The room was ...

Toppling Turbines: It’s Harder Than It Looks, by Teresa Platt /
Responding to citizens’ complaints, Falmouth, Massachusetts is the first U.S. municipality to attempt to remove its wind turbines. While it’s united in its resolve to topple its two 400-foot industrial turbines, Wind 1 and Wind 2, Falmouth is, however, daunted ...

‘Pirate’ Leader of U.S. Charity Evades Arrest by Jumping Ship, by Teresa Platt /
The leader of a U.S. “green” charity, a Discovery Channel TV star, is on the lam.  Rod McGuirk of the Associated Press reports that the Washington state-based Sea Shepherd Conservation Society: …which a U.S. federal court last month labeled ‘pirates,’ ...

It Costs A Million To Answer The Million-Dollar Question: “Is This Fishery Sustainable?” by Teresa Platt /
The Maine lobster fishery predates the founding of the United States of America.  Its scientific management regime is run by the State of Maine and paid for by tax dollars.  Still, answering the million-dollar question, “Is this fishery sustainable?” cost ...

Ninth District Labels U.S. Charity “Pirates,” by Teresa Platt /
The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, the “Ninth District,” in San Francisco labeled a U.S. charity “pirates” while, on the other side of the planet, the charity was violating the Court’s injunction requiring it to stay 500 ...

Layers of Green: Greens Accuse Green Certifiers Of Greenwashing Seafood, by Teresa Platt /
National Public Radio (NPR) is featuring an excellent 3-part investigation into the Marine Stewardship Council’s (MSC) fisheries certification program.  Journalists Daniel Zwerdling and Margot Williams attempted to answer the loaded question: “Is Sustainable-Labeled Seafood Really Sustainable?” while green groups loudly ...

White Smoke And A Potential Pope: Cardinal From Down Under Questions Climate Consensus, by Teresa Platt /
White smoke will soon rise from the Vatican’s chimney (adding to the global inventory of greenhouse gases!), announcing that Roman Catholics have elected a new Pope - and it just might be the brave Cardinal from Down Under who questions ...

Two Very Different Authors Promote Fruits of Free Market Capitalism, by Teresa Platt /
What does the owner of a chain of funky natural food stores, revered for the quality of its fruit and produce, have in common with the buttoned-up, multi-billionaire scion of a publishing empire? A lot, it seems. While, at first ...

How Free Are We? We’re Number 10! We’re Number 10! Teresa Platt /
The USA ranked Number 10 in the 2013 Index of Economic Freedom prepared by the conservative Heritage Foundation and the financially astute Wall Street Journal. Designed for the computer age, the Index features interactive graphs and charts.  Seriously, your kids ...

Big Bureaucrazy Versus Freedom To Farm, by Teresa Platt /
In Virginia, home to the Pitchfork Rebellion, citizens have introduced the “Freedom to Farm Without Fear” bill.  It is hoped that this legislation will make life better - a bit more free - for the state’s agricultural producers. Do you ...

The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.