Biotechnology: Putting an End to World Hunger, by Michael Centrone

Agricultural biotechnology, a dynamic new science that uses genetic engineering to enhance the output and value of many agricultural products, may hold the key to helping stop world hunger. But if the environmental movement has its way, further development of this promising new technology will be halted, consigning hundreds of ...

Bill Clinton’s Foreign Policy Double Standard, by Kevin Martin

Project 21 Commentary /
In one corner, the long dead are reburied with full honors. In another corner, a young boy with no hands walks down a dusty road towards government-held positions - fleeing rebels closing in on the capital. Yet another corner has government troops launching SCUD-B missiles at rebel-held positions. In the ...

Media’s Selective Indignation Molds Moral Conscience, by Murdock “Doc” Gibbs

Project 21 Commentary /
We were shocked when a black immigrant in New York City was shot at by police over 40 times while simply reaching for his wallet. We were appalled by the merciless and brutal beating of Rodney King in Los Angeles. We were horrified when two teens gunned down classmates and ...

Promoting Academic Achievement and Safe Schools, by Rita Thompson

Project 21 Commentary /
As an African-American and the proud daughter of a woman who was a leader in the New York civil rights movement during the 1960s and 1970s, I am very sensitive to the issue of discrimination. However, I disagree with the Reverend Jesse Jackson's knee-jerk reaction to events in Decatur, Illinois ...

The Time is Now for A New Environmental Justice Policy, by Michael Centrone

When Select Steel Inc. proposed construction of a $175 million steel mill that would create 200 jobs in the economically-distressed community of Genesee County, Michigan, the majority of local residents welcomed the proposal. But thanks to the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) so-called environmental justice policy, which purports to protect minorities ...

Bill Clinton Makes Blacks Pay More at the Pump, by Stuart Pigler

With gasoline prices rising to well over two dollars a gallon in the Midwestern United States, America's love affair with the automobile may be headed toward a break-up. But before we ditch our wheels, we should first demand the government get rid of policies helping to drive up fuel prices ...

Bio-Foods Can Improve Nutrition in America, Cut Starvation and Disease in Africa, by John Meredith

Wouldn't you rather eat a banana than get a shot? I know that I would. Science now makes it possible to get a vaccination against hepatitis, which kills an estimated 100 million people per year worldwide, simply by eating a banana. A breakthrough in the field of biotechnology, it virtually ...

Orioles Baseball Team Warned Not to Discriminate ­ May 2000

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African-American Network Asks Owner Angelos to Consider Afro-Cubans Recent statements by officials of the Baltimore Orioles baseball team in which they orginially said - but later retracted - that they would not sign Cuban defectors to play for the team concerns members of the African-American leadership network Project 21. Project ...

Black Network Demands Social Security Reform

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Black Network Demands Social Security Reform Bipartisan Support for Private Investment of Payroll Taxes Applauded When 48% of young Americans believe they will see a UFO but only 28% believe they will see a Social Security check when they retire, reforming America's retirement security plan must be a top national ...

Million Moms Marching for Wrong Reason; Black Network Seeks Better Law Enforcement, Not New Gun Laws

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Crime control ought to be the message of the upcoming Million Mom March in Washington - not gun control. Members of the African-American leadership network Project 21 demand the government enforce existing laws against gun violence before considering new regulations to further restrict the ability of law-abiding citizens to protect ...

Slavery in Our Time, by Kimberley Jane Wilson

Project 21 Commentary /
A New Visions Commentary paper published May 2000 by The National Center for Public Policy Research, 501 Capitol Ct., N.E., Washington, DC 20002, 202/543-4110, Fax 202-543-5975, E-Mail [email protected], Web Reprints permitted provided source is credited. If you went to public school any time in the last 20 years, you ...

Marching Moms Laws Won’t Protect My House, by Richard Fair

Project 21 Commentary /
I'm sitting here, chillin' on the couch. I'm not paying much attention to the news on TV, but the Million Mom March is getting all the pub today. I'm listening to what they have to say, and I wish the world could be like that. I wish the world was ...

Needed: Environmental Justice for Minorities, by John Carlisle

"Be it required that there be a finding that a proposed federal environmental policy, program or regulation not have a disparate economic impact on minority populations and low-income populations before implementation." So should read one of the first Executive Orders the next president should issue upon taking office in 2001 ...

If They Were Right About That, What About…, by Eddie Huff

Project 21 Commentary /
A New Visions Commentary paper published May 2000 by The National Center for Public Policy Research, 501 Capitol Ct., N.E., Washington, DC 20002, 202/543-4110, Fax 202-543-5975, E-Mail [email protected], Web Reprints permitted provided source is credited. In light of reports that African-American and Latino unemployment is at an all-time low, ...

Conspiracy Can’t Condone Cop-Killing, by Michael King

Project 21 Commentary /
A New Visions Commentary paper published May 2000 by The National Center for Public Policy Research, 501 Capitol Ct., N.E., Washington, DC 20002, 202/543-4110, Fax 202-543-5975, E-Mail [email protected], Web Reprints permitted provided source is credited. Controversy is running rampant in Atlanta's black community and elsewhere, but I can't understand ...

Blacks Protest Media Bias Against Cuban-Americans

Press Release /
Improper Racial Attacks are Motivated by Political Differences Racial bias of any sort should be abhorrent to our society, but media coverage of the Elian Gonzalez custody battle shows that the establishment media has not been discreet about its dislike of Miami's Cuban-American community. Members of the African-American leadership network ...

Inconsistent Concern Over Confederate Celebrations; Black Group Wonders If Politics Taint Selective Protests – April 2000

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High-profile black leaders and politicians appear to be selective in their outrage over commemorations of the Confederacy. Members of the African-American leadership network Project 21 point out that state observances of the Confederacy in the home states of President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore, who are Democrats, are ...

Earth Day No Celebration for Black Americans; African-American Network Seeks Environmental Justice from Overregulation

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While Leonardo DiCaprio and other big government environmentalists observe Earth Day on April 22, they are overlooking the suffering that some environmental regulations cause in the black community. Members of the African-American leadership network Project 21 support promoting a policy of true environmental justice that ensures government actions do not ...

Civil Rights or Political Wrongs?: Government Agency Improperly Weighs In Against Colorblind Justice – April 2000

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Members of the African-American leadership network Project 21 are appalled at the politicization of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in forcing a "poll vote" to condemn colorblind college admissions and state contracting in the state of Florida. Project 21 members see this rush to judgement as detrimental to reforming ...

Earth Day No Celebration for Black Americans; African-American Network Seeks Environmental Justice from Overregulation – April 2000

Press Release /
Government Agency Improperly Weighs In Against Colorblind Justice Members of the African-American leadership network Project 21 are appalled at the politicization of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in forcing a "poll vote" to condemn colorblind college admissions and state contracting in the state of Florida. Project 21 members see ...

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