Black Leader Urges Pardon for Incarcerated Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean

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Mychal Massie, chairman of the Project 21 black leadership network, is asking President George W. Bush to pardon jailed U.S. Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean. "This is Christmas, and in the spirit of Christmas, it is time for President Bush to show some compassion and pardon ...

Black Activists Condemn Philadelphia City Council’s Boy Scout Eviction

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Black activists from the Project 21 leadership network are condemning the Philadelphia City Council's decision to evict the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) from its regional headquarters after the city failed to reach a compromise with the Boy Scouts on a gay rights policy. "I live close to Philadelphia and ...

What the Church and State Battle Is Really About, by Bishop Council Nedd II

Project 21 Commentary /
  What the Church and State Battle Is Really About by Bishop Council Nedd II (bio) What would happen if a presidential candidate stood up and declared the primary role of our federal government is to preserve the rights given to man by God? Presumably, they would be ridiculed by ...

Faith in Isolation, by Bishop Council Nedd II

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Faith in Isolation by Bishop Council Nedd II (bio) I have never served time behind bars.  As a priest, however, I have made my fair share of prison visitations.  If there is one thing I have learned from these visits, it is that there are diverse personalities among the incarcerated ...

Earmarks Rob Taxpayers to Benefit Politicians, by Deneen Borelli

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Earmarks Rob Taxpayers to Benefit Politicians by Deneen Borelli (bio) Remember "The Mod Squad" television series that ran on ABC from 1968 to 1973? Chronicling three diverse, hipper-than-hip young cops working in the counter-culture movement of the day, the network promoted it with the tagline "One White, One Black, One ...

How to Beat a Bully, by Mychal Massie

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  If A Tree Falls... by Mychal Massie (bio) If a tree falls in the forest with no one there to hear it, does it make a noise? Likewise, if someone says something inappropriate and Al Sharpton isn't around to hear it, is it really racist? Sportscaster Kelly Tilghman of ...

Where is the Feminist Outrage Over Jailing of British Woman in Sudan?

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Washington, D.C. - Deneen Borelli, a fellow with the Project 21 black leadership network, is condemning the jailing and likely deportation of a female British teacher in Sudan because she allowed the children in her class to name a teddy bear "Muhammed."  Borelli is also critical of American feminists for ...

Black Activists Criticize Local NAACP, School Officials for Censoring Ohio School Play, Press Release /
Washington, D.C. - The Lakota East High School dramatic production of the Agatha Christie novel Ten Little Indians -- initially cancelled by school administrators after it was called racially insensitive by a local NAACP leader -- is back on, but with changes that imply the play will be compromised by ...

Group Backs Punishment for Bush-Bashing Bridge Players; “Card Table Dixie Chicks” Deserve Sanctions for Unsportsmanlike Behavior, Say Project 21 Activists

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Washington, D.C. - Activists affiliated with the Project 21 black leadership network support proposed sanctions for the unrepentant members of a women's bridge team who disparaged President George W. Bush while representing the United States in international competition.  Project 21 activists say team members betrayed their responsibility to remove their ...

Black Activist Slams “Buckwheat” Blackout; Louisiana Liberal Latest Pol Given Pass

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Washington, D.C. - After a Louisiana state representative called a noted local civil rights activist "Buckwheat," Project 21 chairman Mychal Massie is criticizing both the lawmaker for saying it and the media for once again appearing to take a pass on reporting about a liberal politician's racial foible. Hazel Boykin, ...

Anti-Photo ID Legislation Would Promote Election Fraud, Says Group, Press Release /
Washington, D.C. - Legislation introduced by Representative Keith Ellison (D-MN) to prohibit photo ID requirements for voting in federal elections would promote election fraud, say members of the black leadership network Project 21. "Representative Ellison's proposal is fundamentally flawed and potentially harmful to the integrity of our democratic process," said ...

When Silliness is Serious, by Bishop Council Nedd II

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When Silliness Is Serious by Bishop Council Nedd II (bio) To make a point about frivolous lawsuits, Nebraska State Senator Ernie Chambers decided to sue God. Millions of people the world over undoubtedly got a snicker over his efforts to get a county court to stop God from causing "calamitous ...

Lee H. Walker: Blacks and Anemia Medications

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Have you heard federal regulators want to cut back on the amount the government will pay for certain drugs for cancer patients and people on kidney dialysis? Any changes in how the government regulates health care assistance should be of particular concern to the black community, since blacks disproportionally rely ...

I Forgive Dog the Bounty Hunter, by Darryn “Dutch” Martin

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I Forgive Dog the Bounty Hunter by Darryn "Dutch" Martin (bio) I won't deny that I was sickened and repulsed when I first heard the racial tirade of reality television bounty hunter Duane "Dog" Chapman.  Despite the fact that it occurred in a private telephone conversation with his son Tucker ...

Government Can’t Take Away Your Rights If You Give Them Up, by Lisa Fritsch

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Just because kids seem to go into heat when they hit puberty doesn't mean our government-run schools should be allowed to treat them like dogs. It used to be that parents were a source of reason and wisdom for whom children could learn valuable life lessons and common sense.  This ...

U.S. House Approves Race-Based Government in Hawaii

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Washington, D.C. - The U.S. House of Representatives today approved a far-reaching bill that would create a race-based government with substantial power over the affairs of the state of Hawaii. The "Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act of 2007" (H.R. 505, also called the "Akaka Bill") was adopted by a 261-153 ...

Is Congress “Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?” by John Meredith

Project 21 Commentary /
There's a new TV show in the fall network lineup that says a lot about where our culture is these days:  "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?"   Agreeing to be a contestant on this latest must-see TV will say a lot about contestants before they even open their ...

Congressional Black Caucus Shortchanging Poor and Minority Energy Consumers, by Roy Innis

Project 21 Commentary /
A recent Congressional Black Caucus Foundation conference featured an "energy braintrust" that promised a lively three-hour discussion by oil company, association, government agency and university executives to "transform dialogue into action" and "bolster the relationships between the energy industry and African-American community." Sadly, session moderator Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) ...

An Open Letter to Bill Cosby On Clarence Thomas, by Darryn “Dutch” Martin

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An Open Letter to Bill Cosby On Clarence Thomas by Darryn "Dutch" Martin (bio) Dear Dr. Cosby: I've always been a huge fan of your work as an entertainer, philanthropist, family man and example of what can be accomplished with hard work, sacrifice and a love of learning. I supported ...

Why Migrate South? by B.B. Robinson, Ph.D.

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  Why Migrate South? by B.B. Robinson, Ph.D. (bio) Beginning with the end of the Civil War, huge numbers of newly-freed black Americans moved from the rural South to metropolitan areas - especially in northern states - in what is now called the "Great Migration." Lately, there is a trend ...

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