Statement of Project 21’s Deneen Borelli on ACORN Report

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Statement of Project 21 Fellow Deneen Borelli on Congressional Research Service ACORN report requested by Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), which absolves ACORN of allegations of misusing taxpayer money received over the past five years: "Anyone who saw the video of undercover filmmakers being advised by several different ACORN offices on ...

Statement of Project 21’s Bob Parks on Senator Whitehouse Comments

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This statement was issued today by Bob Parks of the national black leadership network Project 21: "President Obama's almost-constant apologies to the world for the our nation's actions and his socialist economic policies at home have energized a normally lethargic American people into gathering in American cities and storming the ...

Black Activists Condemn Senate Leader Harry Reid Playing the Race Card in Health Care Debate

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Washington, DC - Recent race-related comments made by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) are highly offensive and historically inaccurate, say members of the Project 21 black leadership group. "Harry Reid has resorted to the most shopworn trick in the liberal playbook.  He deployed the race card in the ugliest ...

Black Activist: Promote Job Growth by Killing Cap-and-Trade

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Washington, DC - If the White House jobs summit is more than a publicity stunt, says Deneen Borelli of the Project 21 black leadership network, Obama should abandon efforts to implement a cap-and-trade policy, as it would kill jobs. "If Obama is sincere about finding ways to fix our country's ...

The Return of Race-Based Voting, by Bishop Council Nedd II

Project 21 Commentary /
  The Return of Race-Based Voting by Bishop Council Nedd II (bio) Atlanta is called the "city too busy to hate."  But some political activists found the time. Kasim Reed, a state senator, just won a runoff election to become Atlanta's next mayor by a mere 714 votes.  On Election ...

Tiger Woods and the Problem of the “Great Black Example,” by Lisa Fritsch

Project 21 Commentary /
Tiger Woods and the Problem of the "Great Black Example" by Lisa Fritsch (bio) There's an interesting wrinkle in the Tiger Woods scandal. There are some blacks who are angry that none of Tiger's mistresses were black. For example, a recent New York Daily News headline declared "Tiger Alienates Black ...

Don’t Shortchange Your Kids at Christmas, by Mychal Massie

Project 21 Commentary /
  Don't Shortchange Your Kids at Christmas by Mychal Massie (bio) Christmastime is supposed to be a time of good cheer, but what I have to say about it will likely offend some and infuriate others.   More often these days, it's a time dominated by the concern: "What do ...

Only a Special Prosecutor is Going to Bring Justice to the Justice Department, by Mychal Massie

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It's time the Obama Administration came under the scrutiny of its first special prosecutor. Michael Mukasey, predecessor of current Attorney General Eric Holder, correctly appointed a special prosecutor to investigate if politics guided hiring and firing decision in the Bush Justice Department.  Holder should follow his lead, but he hasn't ...

How Political Correctness Kills, by Kevin Martin

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How Political Correctness Kills by Kevin Martin (bio) Nidal Malik Hasan faces murder charges in the shooting deaths of 12 soldiers and one civilian at Fort Hood. His co-conspirator, "political correctness," remains at large.  While political correctness runs amok, no one is safe. In Hasan's case, political correctness protected his ...

Project 21 Members Protest Jesse Jackson Linking Racial Identity to ObamaCare Vote

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Washington, DC - Members of the Project 21 black leadership network have risen to condemn Jesse Jackson for saying of Rep. Artur Davis (D-AL), "You can't vote against health care and call yourself a black man," calling Jackson's statement divisive and likening it to the mental tactics of a antebellum ...

The Obama (In)Difference, by Lisa Fritsch

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The Obama (In)Difference by Lisa Fritsch (bio) One word comes to mind for describing Barack Obama's tenure since last year's election: indifference. It's a vast contrast from the "hope" and "change" Obama peddled to voters on the campaign trail.  It's not that he doesn't aspire to hope or change.  It's ...

Are Loaded Questions and Clenched Fists the New Politics? by Mychal Massie

Project 21 Commentary /
  Are Loaded Questions and Clenched Fists the New Politics? by Mychal Massie (bio) "What kind of nigger are you?" Like "have you stopped beating your wife?," it's a question with no right answer. The question is even harder to answer when it's being yelled at you by one of ...

Voting With Your Feet Against Disastrous Climate Change Policy, by Deneen Borelli

Project 21 Commentary /
It's time to kick those expensive kicks, black Americans.  Nike and Timberland aren't working in your best interests. Saying goodbye won't be hard to do since these companies want to eventually make it impossible to afford their shoes. Nike and Timberland are affiliated with the Business for Innovative Climate and ...

Jackson & Sharpton Effort Against Rush Limbaugh is an Effort to “Get Whitie” and a “Racist Act,” Says Leading Black Conservative

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Statement of Project 21's Deneen Borelli Washington, DC - This statement was issued today by Deneen Borelli of the national black leadership network Project 21: The left-wing jihad against Rush Limbaugh is un-fair and un-American. Rush is being targeted simply because he is a conservative and a leading critic of ...

Racism Allegations Hurt Obama, by Lisa Fritsch

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Racism Allegations Hurt Obama by Lisa Fritsch (bio) Former president Jimmy Carter made it official.  Liberals are making the country pay for the mistakes of the Obama Administration and their agenda.  They are ignoring the merits of any criticism of his policies or actions and simply faulting Americans who disagree ...

President Poser, by Kevin Martin

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President Poser by Kevin Martin (bio) Throughout the Bush presidency, a new golden age was promised to the American people if they would just put liberals in charge of the government. That happened last November after Obama's election and the strengthening of liberal majorities in Congress.  But after ten months ...

Why Rush Should Sue, by Bob Parks

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Why Rush Should Sue by Bob Parks (bio) After being ousted from a group seeking to buy the St. Louis Rams, Rush Limbaugh has a duty to punch the media in its collective mouth. Not literally, of course.  What Rush must do is sue the mainstream media for damaging his ...

Competition, Not Government Intervention, the Right Prescription for Health Care, by Ak’Bar A. Shabazz

Project 21 Commentary /
Unless you've had your head in the sand during the past few months, you know our nation has been engaged in heated debate over the direction of health care reform efforts. Health care costs have skyrocketed by 300 percent - adjusting for inflation - over the last decade.  It's about ...

Project 21’s Bob Parks Discusses Health Care Policy on BET Special /
Project 21 member Bob Parks has taped a panel discussion on health care policy that is scheduled to air on Black Entertainment Television this Sunday, September 27, at 9:00 PM eastern. Bob participated in BET's "Critical Condition: What's at Stake in Health Care Reform" with White House Domestic Policy Advisor ...

Statement of Project 21 Fellow Deneen Borelli on Allegations of Racism Against Critics of Obama Policies

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Washington, DC - This statement was issued today by Deneen Borelli of the national black leadership network Project 21: "There they go again.  Now Jimmy Carter has joined House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charlie Rangel, Texas Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson, New York Governor David Paterson, MSNBC's Chris Matthews, the ...

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