Featuring the Work and Ideas of the National Center for Public Policy Research & Project 21
In a USA Today article, Jessica Guynn describes the rising resistance that corporate America is facing from conservatives such as Gov. Ron DeSantis and the Free Enterprise Project (FEP).
She quotes FEP’s publication “Balancing the Boardroom” when speculating why those on the right are aiming their fire at woke CEOs and board members:
American corporations, hyper-politicized and corrupt as many may be, are among the few public institutions where there’s still a fighting chance to reverse course.
Read the full piece here.
On the Fox News Channel program “Jesse Watters Primetime,” Project 21 Chairman Horace Cooper noted that “race grifters like Al Sharpton” don’t speak for the majority of black Americans:
What progressives have been doing, often in the name of blacks and browns, has nothing to do with blacks and browns but has everything to do with the promulgation of the radical policies that they promote and they believe in. When you ask black Americans about the death penalty, black Americans sit on one side, the wokesters/progressives/white liberals sit on an entirely different side.
Black Americans would like government to do more to control crime. Black Americans were on board with the War on Crime. It is the progressives, it’s the wokesters and the white liberals that have been against the effort to make our community safer. And the problem is, race grifters like Al Sharpton tell those wokesters whatever they want to hear because that’s where the cash is.
In a discussion on Newsmax TV’s “American Agenda,” held during yet another House Speaker vote, Project 21 Ambassador Whitley Yates told fellow panelist Simon Conway and cohosts Bob Sellers and Katrina Szish that “Kevin [McCarthy] needs to hang it up.”
She explained:
When you’re looking at the 9th vote, the 10th vote, etc. and he still doesn’t have what he needs, the foundation is fractured and people don’t trust his leadership…. I don’t think he’s taken the hints, and he’s gonna keep at it until he doesn’t succeed.
A bit later in the program, Whitley added:
I think communication and strategy are two different things, and what we’re seeing is no strategy. Coming together and talking about who you’d like to see run and lead is one thing, but having a strategy that unites under the guise of unity as opposed to uniformity — because we’re not always going to agree — … no one is stepping up to do that and …[that] only makes the Republicans look weaker….
We’ve been saying “Fire Pelosi” for months, for years, and now that she’s gone, [Republicans] can’t find a leader to lead?
In his latest commentary for Real Clear Markets, Free Enterprise Project Director Scott Shepard argues that the recent backpedaling of ESG by major corporations is superficial.
“Don’t allow a few cosmetic changes to convince you that we’re winning. The battle [against ESG] has just started,” writes Scott.
To read the full piece, click here.
In his latest commentary for Real Clear Markets, Free Enterprise Project Director Scott Shepard details the latest – and increasingly malicious – wrongdoings of woke capital.
“In 2022, the locus of evil in the western world is Davos, with forward outposts in the C-suites of woke western – and especially American – companies.” Scott writes.
To read the full piece, click here.
In his latest commentary for Real Clear Markets, Free Enterprise Project Director Scott Shepard explains why corporations weighed in on the Supreme Court case on diversity-excused discrimination in university admissions.
“Corporations claimed that universities must be permitted to discriminate on the basis of race so that the corporations could also continue to discriminate on the basis of race – but without having to be so obvious about it,” writes Scott.
To read the full piece, click here.
In his latest commentary for Real Clear Markets, Free Enterprise Project Director Scott Shepard writes about the layoffs at Twitter since Elon Musk’s purchase of the company, how a similar wave of firings may follow at Facebook, and what it all means for woke capital.
“It’s reasonable to expect that quite a few Facebook employees will be joining the former Twitterers in incipient real-world valuation of equity-studies degrees,” writes Scott.
To read the full piece, click here.
In his recent column in Human Events, Free Enterprise Project associate Ethan Peck takes a deep dive on corporate incest and how it serves the woke industrial complex.
“We’ve all seen how most major corporations – whether they make cars, sneakers, movies or coffee – flaunt pride flags the second the clock strikes 12:00 am on June 1 like a well-trained synchronized swim team. To many, the harmony of it all is astonishing, but once you learn that the leadership (and majority ownership) of big corporations are the same people, it’s not really a surprise when nearly all of them parrot the same exact woke nonsense at the same time,” writes Ethan.
To read the full piece, click here.
In his latest commentary for Real Clear Markets, Free Enterprise Project Director Scott Shepard discusses BlackRock’s weak attempt to repair its anti-fossil fuel reputation.
“What BlackRock invests in all energy companies – even unreliable-energy companies – is irrelevant, because the objection is that BlackRock discriminates within the energy sector,” Scott writes.
To read the full piece, click here.
In his recent column in Human Events, Free Enterprise Project associate Ethan Peck outlines how Gnosticism may explain the left’s positions on transgenderism and abortion.
“The central thesis of Gnosticism is that each individual is in possession of personal spiritual knowledge called ‘gnosis’ (in other words, ‘my truth’),” writes Ethan.
To read the full piece, click here.