26 Sep 1995 If Your Family Needs A Mini-Van, You’d Better Buy It Soon
Activities at the September 15 Environmental Policy Task Force Meeting chaired by David Ridenour of The National Center for Public Policy Research.
Why Did the House Put 17 Appropriations Restrictions on the EPA?
John Shanahan of The Heritage Foundation distributed Heritage Foundation Issue Bulletin #213, which explains the purpose of the 17 restrictions on the Environmental Protection Agency that were approved by the House. Contact The Heritage Foundation at 202/546-4400.
Congress May Create Yet Another Expensive National Program, This Time for So-Called “Heritage Areas”
Bruce Grefrath of the American Land Rights Association and Myron Ebell reviewed proposals in H.R. 1280 and S. 1110 to create national “Heritage Areas” around the U.S. and designate up to $10 million for them. Heritage Area legislation is popular, said Grefrath, because some Congressmen see them as an opportunity to get federal money for their districts. What they don’t realize, he said, is that if local planners are given federal money to control local land, local property owners will be massively outgunned if they ever disagree with local planning boards. Grefrath said most backers of Heritage Areas are Republicans. Myron Ebell reviewed four reforms that, if included in the legislation, could reduce the possibility for abuses. Contact the American Land Rights Association at 202/546-2545.
Lawmakers Line Up With Endangered Species Act Proposals; Poll of Americans on ESA Reform Released
Denise Finley of the office of Rep. John Shadegg (R-AZ), Jim Streeter of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, and David Ridenour of The National Center for Public Policy Research reviewed various Endangered Species Act Reform bills, including those by Rep. John Shadegg (R-AZ); by Rep. Don Young (R-AK) and Rep. Richard Pombo (R-CA); by Rep. Wayne Gilcrest (R-MD); by Senator Slade Gorton (R-WA); by Senator Dirk Kempthorne (R-ID). Streeter suggested that Senator Phil Gramm should sponsor a companion bill to Shadegg’s in the Senate: “First there is the inherent brilliance of the bill itself; then there is the fact that this would link Senator Gramm to an active and vigorous group of property rights advocates.” Streeter also distributed press releases: one reviews a recent poll asking Americans about Endangered Species Act reform; the other offers both “kudos and criticism” of the Young/Pombo ESA reform bill. Ridenour distributed an article he wrote on ESA reform for the Wall Street Journal. Contact Rep. Shadegg’s office at 202/225-3361, Competitive Enterprise Institute at 202/331-1010, The National Center at (202) 507-6398.
Pros and Cons of Stalled Regulatory Reform Bill Reviewed
David Ridenour of The National Center for Public Policy Research discussed pros and cons of S. 343, the regulatory reform bill stalled in the Senate. He reported that the National Association of Manufacturers and the Alliance for Reasonable Regulations still like the bill, which has been repeatedly watered-down, but The National Center, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, and the Cato Institute agree with The Heritage Foundation’s assessment that passage would actually be “a setback for regulatory reform.” Contact The National Center at (202) 507-6398.
Does the Federal Sugar Program (and Other Agriculture Programs) Harm the Environment?
Amy Moritz of The National Center for Public Policy Research reviewed information citing environmental damage to the Everglades caused indirectly by the federal sugar program. In response, Brian Seascholes of the Competitive Enterprise Institute distributed information about a CEI study showing that federal agriculture subsidies increase the per-acre use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Contact The National Center at (202) 507-6398 or Competitive Enterprise Institute at 202/331-1010.
Council of Economic Advisors Recommends “Third Way” Economic Policy
Craig Rucker of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow reviewed a 1994 book, Whither Socialism? by Joseph Stiglitz, the new chairman of the President’s Council of Economic Advisors. The book, he said, advocates a “third way” economic policy. Contact the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow at 202/429-2737.
New Publications Distributed on Superfund, Turtles, Tobacco, Mother Earth and More
David Ridenour of The National Center for Public Policy Research distributed new “Talking Points” and “Posthaste Facts” cards on environmental and regulatory issues just published by The National Center. They include: “Cleaning Up the Superfund Mess: Five Steps to Recovery,” “International Treaty Hammers U.S. Sovereignty, Jobs,” “Common Myths About Mother Earth,” “Five Reasons Why the President’s Tobacco Regulations Are Anti-Child, Anti-Family,” “California’s Latest Disaster: Environmentalists,” “The Army Corps of Engineers’ Un-American Activities,” “Armed State Employees Raid Turtle Sanctuary.” Contact The National Center at (202) 507-6398.
If Your Family Needs A Mini-Van, You’d Better Buy It Soon
Anna McCollister of the Coalition for Vehicle Choice, Bob Adams of The National Center for Public Policy Research and John Berlau of Consumer Alert discussed 1) Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI)’s H.R. 2200, which would freeze federal fuel economy (CAFE) standards; and 2) House Majority Whip Tom DeLay (R-TX)’s amendment to the Department of Transportation appropriations bill to freeze DOT funds for CAFE rulemaking. McCollister explained how CAFE standards effectively killed sales of family station wagons and how they now threaten family mini-vans. Information was distributed. Contact the Coalition for Vehicle Choice at 202/628-5164, The National Center at (202) 507-6398, the Consumer Alert at 202/467-5809.
Bulletin Board: Publications, press releases, statements and plans of the conservative community.
London Telegraph Compares Foster Phone Logs to Nixon Tapes
“Fight Over Phone Log Rings Alarm Bell for Clinton,” an article by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, appears in the September 25 (electronic) issue of the London Telegraph. The article begins: “The White House has refused point blank to provide Congress with senstitive telephone logs related to the death of Vincent Foster… So far, the White House has got away with defiance. But these “Foster Logs” could soon take on the significance of the Nixon Tapes…”
Association Holds “Summit” on Repealing the Estate Tax
The 60 Plus Association will sponsor a “Estate Tax Repeal Summit” September 27 at 2200 Rayburn HOB from 8:30 AM-noon. Speakers include Sen. John Kyl (R-AZ), Rep. Chris Cox (R-CA), Rep. Pete Geran (D-TX) and Rep. Bob Livingston (R-LA). Contact Hank Hough at 703/807-2070.
Information Available on Rep. Lamar Smith’s Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill
Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) has assembled fact sheets on his comprehensive immigration reform bill, the “Immigration in the National Interest Act of 1995.” Contact Rep. Smith’s office at 202/225-4236.