Year: 1997

Reforming Social Security May Be (Relatively) Easy After All

National Policy Analysis #157 /
When the 13 members of President Clinton's Social Security Advisory Council failed to agree to one or even two sets of recommendations about how the nation can best keep Social Security solvent, most analysts considered the divided verdict as evidence ...

89% of Charities Report That Government Regulations Hurt Their Ability to Help the Needy – December 1997

Press Release /
A ground-breaking new research study surveying 441 charities serving low-income communities has found a whopping 89% report that government regulations impede their ability to serve the poor. The two-year study by the African-American leadership group Project 21 is an in-depth ...

Too Much Political Power, Not Enough Economic Independence, by C. Mason Weaver

Project 21 Commentary /
by C. Mason WeaverC. Mason Weaver, a member of the national Advisory Council of the African-American leadership group Project 21, is President of The Committee to Restore America (Oceanside, CA). A New Visions Commentary paper published January 1997 by The ...

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