05 Oct 2001 Open letter to AFL-CIO President John Sweeney Regarding the AFL-CIO’s Support for Organizations Opposing a Military Response to Terrorist Attacks
Mr. John J. Sweeney
815–16th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20006
Dear Mr. Sweeney:
Allow us to express our condolences for the very many members of the AFL-CIO who lost their lives in the recent terrorist attacks upon the United States, and to express as well our heartfelt admiration and appreciation for those who died working to save the lives of others. We will never forget their sacrifice. They will be an inspiration to many generations of Americans.
We also appreciate your strong statement of September 12 offering support and "any and all assistance from the labor movement" to President Bush. We are sure you are aware that President Bush plans a military response, as well as other measures, to these attacks.
We wish to bring to your attention a situation involving your union about which you might not be personally aware.
Three organizations working jointly, the Institute for Policy Studies, the Interhemispheric Resource Center and their joint offshoot, Foreign Policy in Focus, are circulating among policymakers a petition opposing a major military response to the terrorist acts. It also opposes needed immediate changes within our U.S. intelligence agencies pending time-consuming further studies and counsels that changing U.S. international policies to conform to the wishes of the terrorist groups is the key way to deter future terrorist attacks.
These groups each advertise, to various extents, connections to and support from the AFL-CIO and AFSCME. An AFL-CIO representative is listed as a member of the board of directors of one and on the Advisory Committee of another. Both the AFL-CIO and AFSCME are listed as donors.
Given the literal life and death importance of this issue, and given that the AFL-CIO, based on recent public statements, does not appear to share these views, we are writing to you today to ask you to repudiate these views and indicate publicly that the AFL-CIO does not support this petition. We further ask that the AFL-CIO and its member unions discontinue all support for and formal connection with the aforementioned groups as long as they and the AFL-CIO continue to disagree on this very critical U.S. national security issue.
Sincerely yours,
Amy Ridenour
The National Center for Public Policy Research
Frank J. Gaffney, Jr.
Center for Security Policy
Paul M. Weyrich
National Chairman
Coalitions for America
James C. Miller III
Citizens for a Sound Economy
Christian Josi
Executive Director
American Conservative Union
Elizabeth Kilbride
National Defense Forum
Jim Martin
60 Plus Association
David W. Almasi
American Criminal Justice Center
Edmund Peterson
Project 21
Peter Huessy
GeoStrategic Analysis
Dr. Alveda King Tookes
King for America
William J. Murray
Religious Freedom Coalition
Jerris Leonard
Kenneth Timmerman
Maryland Taxpayers Association
A. Mike Green
Committee to Restore America Foundation
Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson
Founder and President
Brotherhood Organization for a New Destiny
Jeffrey B. Gayner
Americans for Sovereignty
Lorraine Boothby
Assistant to the President
Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation
Joan L. Hueter
American Council for Immigration Reform
Laszlo Pasztor
National President Emeritus
National Federation of American Hungarians, Inc.
Henry A. Hough
Executive Vice President
60 Plus Association
Gary Aldrich
Patrick Henry Center(Titles and affiliations for identification only)