05 Nov 2001 “If You Won’t Fly Our Flag, Don’t Cash Our Check”
Contents Pop Quiz Who Chooses a Hospital Where 1 of 4 Employees is Incompetent? If You Won’t Fly Our Flag, Don’t Cash Our Check Why Shoot Ourselves? Anti-Semitism Worse Today Than 60 Years Ago? |
Pop Quiz
Is anyone calling for a cessation of terrorist attacks on Christian and Jewish holidays? On what high holiday did the Yom Kippur War occur?
Who Chooses a Hospital Where 1 of 4 Employees is Incompetent?
A Brookings Institution survey of 1,051 federal employees has revealed that, on average, federal workers believe that 23.5 percent of their co-workers are "not up to par." Backers of the Senate’s plan to completely federalize airport security should be asked if they’d willingly check in to a hospital where one out of every three employees was incompetent.
If You Won’t Fly Our Flag, Don’t Cash Our Check
Administrators at a disturbingly high number of college campuses have banned displays of American flags or threatened personnel who publicly agree that the United States, which is at war, should fight it (see research by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education at http://www.thefire.org). Congress: How about putting a rider on the next appropriations bill banning federal aid to institutions of "higher" learning that don’t respect the views of patriots? The average college student pays $33,880 (state-supported school) or $90,164 (private school) for an undergraduate degree. The universities that can’t tolerate patriotism can make do with those sums.
Why Shoot Ourselves?
If the U.S. government couldn’t afford the extra $32 million it would have taken to pay Bayer the market price to stockpile Cipro (a ludicrous notion), the government should have deducted the $32 million from the $15 billion dollar airline bailout. Bayer spends a billion dollars a year on research and development of new lifesaving drugs drugs that are an immensely reassuring part of our anti-terrorism arsenal. Yet rather than just buy Cipro, the U.S. government threatened to take Bayer’s patent way.
The airline bailout was designed to show terrorists we won’t let them cripple one of our vital industries. It is illogical to follow up that well-meant act with an threat to the pharmaceutical industry’s willingness to invest its own funds in R&D.
Anti-Semitism Worse Today Than 60 Years Ago?
Writing in World Jewish Review, talk show host Dennis Prager explains why he believes Arab/Muslim anti-Semites are more dangerous than German Nazis: "First, while both Nazi and the Arab/Muslim anti-Semites have used closed societies with their controlled press to promote horrific lies about Jews, the Nazis hid their murder of Jews from the German public. They did not have confidence that enough Germans would support the murder of Jewish men, women and children. The Arab/Muslim anti-Semites, however, have no such problem. Those who kill Jews in Israel are public celebrities. The second more frightening aspect of Arab/Muslim Jew-hatred is that many of these haters do not value their own lives. Nazis did."