01 Jan 2002 2002 Earth Day Information Center Press Release: “Earth Day Interview Locator Service” and Earth Day Fact Kit Available to Journalists
The Earth Day Information Center is offering a free Earth Day Interview Locator Service to journalists to assist them in booking environmental experts for Earth Day on April 22, 2002. The interview locator service offers access to scientists and public policy experts specializing in a wide range of environmental fields. Experts are available on such issues as global warming, oil exploration, urban sprawl, agricultural biotechnology, air and water quality issues, nuclear power, environmental regulatory policy and the Endangered Species Act. Extensive information related to Earth Day and environmental policy is also available on The National Center’s Internet web site, https://nationalcenter.org.
Among the experts available through the Earth Day Information Center’s extensive database are:
- Tom Randall, co-director of the John P. McGovern MD Center for Environmental and Regulatory Affairs at The National Center for Public Policy Research. Mr. Randall is an expert on a wide variety of environmental issues, including energy issues, nuclear power and land use.
- Gretchen Randall, co-director of the John P. McGovern MD Center for Environmental and Regulatory Affairs at The National Center for Public Policy Research. Mrs. Randall specializes in natural resource issues such as oil exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, fuel economy standards and endangered species.
- Dr. Patrick Michaels, professor of environmental sciences at the University of Virginia. Dr. Michaels is a nationally recognized expert on global climate change and the Kyoto Protocol.
- Dr. Bonner Cohen, senior fellow with the Lexington Institute. Dr. Cohen is an expert in a wide range of environmental issues including regulations, air quality, energy, property rights, sound science, waste management and water.
- Dr. Fred Singer, president of Science and Environmental Policy Project and professor emeritus of environmental science at the University of Virginia. Dr. Singer is an expert in issues including air pollution, global climate change, the ozone layer, acid rain and energy.
- Ron Arnold, executive vice president of the Center For Defense of Free Enterprise and the author of many environmental books, including Undue Influence. Mr. Arnold specializes in the environmental movement’s funding sources, endangered species act, federal land management and property rights.
- Dr. Willie Soon, a physicist with the Solar Stellar Physics Division of the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and Tech Central Station. Dr. Soon is an expert on global climate change.
- Dr. Gerald Marsh is a retired physicist with the Argonne National Laboratory who served on the United States delegation for Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START). Dr. Marsh is an expert on nuclear energy, nuclear waste and the storage of nuclear materials.
In addition to these experts, an on-line information clearinghouse is available at https://nationalcenter.org/EarthDay98.html. In addition to a history of Earth Day, information and commentary is available on issues such as global warming, energy policy, urban sprawl and property rights.
To book an expert for Earth Day 2002 interviews, contact Chris Burger at (202) 507-6398 ext 107 or e-mail him at [email protected]. For the fact sheet on Earth Day, contact our staff or visit the Earth Day Information Center web site at https://nationalcenter.org/EarthDay98.html.