30 Apr 2004 Project 21 Press Release: Black Conservatives Represented on CNN Rice Testimony Panel to be Broadcast April 8 at 8 PM and 2 AM Eastern
According to RushLimbaugh.com, CNN had Anita Hill on the network as an advance commentator in preparation for Dr. Condoleezza Rice’s testimony before the 9-11 Commission today.
What’s the connection between Dr. Rice and Professor Hill? Deep knowledge of national security issues? Both experts on terrorism? Both high-ranking White House staffers who know how the federal government works?
Nah! Both black women!
I can count on zero fingers how many white men were booked for a white man’s point of view when Dick Clarke testified — and rightly so. Good grief.
On a related topic, Project 21 member Mychal Massie participated in a CNN focus group about Dr. Rice’s appearance today. It will be broadcast on CNN at 8 PM and 2 AM tonight, April 8, Eastern.
I suppose CNN picked him in part because Myke is black, but Myke’s also been quite involved in efforts to support the war on terrorism (as the post directly below shows).