Thanks, Rush!

Rush Limbaugh was kind enough to defend Project 21 and other black conservatives on his show Thursday, and has had the transcript of his comments posted on his website.

Rush is a great friend to Project 21. A bit over ten years ago, when Project 21 was new, Rush ran footage of a Project 21 press conference on his TV show two nights running, and played excerpts from the press conference on his radio show. (Shortly thereafter he also featured Project 21 member Star Parker in an issue of The Limbaugh Letter.) Our phones rang off the hook. We literally could not make an outgoing call because of so many people trying to call in, because if we hung up from one call, even if we did it as fast as we possibly could, another person already was on the line. This amazing telephone state of siege lasted, if I recall correctly, for several days.

It was no way to get work done, but it was great.

Project 21 also received a lot of donations at the time because of Rush, even though Rush never once asked people to send Project 21 money. He just talked about Project 21, and that was enough. Project 21 received tens of thousands of dollars from bighearted people all across the United States, nearly all in small gifts accompanied by a note of support. It was spontaneous and wonderful, and a great help to Project 21.

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