Social Security Employees Oppose Answering Questions According to Employer’s Instructions

I was going to write a post about the whining labor union representing employees of the Social Security Administration, but Dick McDonald did it first.

Dick is way less P.C. than I am, but he hits the nail on the head.

By the way, the White House says the entire kerfluffle is fake — which is what most sane observers already thought. The union’s big whine was that Social Security Administration employees might be asked questions by the public, and be expected to answer them according to their employer’s point of view.

There is a way to avoid that, if it actually were happening: Quit. Nobody elected these people. Besides, anyone who is not comfortable working for a variety of presidential administrations should not seek to spend their career as a federal government employee. Sometimes these folks answer to Democrats; other times, to Republicans. Live with it or move on.

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