04 Feb 2005 First Annual Flat Earth Award
This is an award I would love to earn. But I have to admit that the three finalists are more worthy choices than I. Great men, all.
And, alas, regardless of how hard I work to spread the truth about the global warming theory, I probably won’t get a chance to win in future years, since the award for best truth-telling is being awarded by students as part of the course work in a Middlebury College class. The kids are bound to lose interest as soon as they aren’t getting college credit for the enterprise.
The class is called “Building the New Climate Movement” (is this climate science or political science?), and it is taught not by a climate scientist, but by an Assistant Professor of Economics.
I majored in economics myself, but I don’t recall ever being asked to build a greenie movement for credit. (Back in the old days, we were so deprived.)
The kids cite this article as proof of a scientific consensus in favor of the global warming theory.
I wonder what the kids think of this — assuming the fine economists at Middlebury College (tuition and fees $40,400 per year) have told them about it.
Is it fair to expect impartial scholarship for a mere forty grand a year?