On Disciples of Christ: New Republic Begs to Differ

After posting this praise for the Disciples of Christ by Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) as part of our “Congressional Action” series, I came upon another view in my e-mail box.

Martin Peretz of The New Republic is incensed at the Disciples of Christ for:

…jump[ing] in to the recent St. Vitus dance mania of some of its brethren, the United Church of Christ, the Presbyterian Church, and the Anglicans (both here in the United States and in Great Britain), in pouncing on the State of Israel as the primary villain in world politics…In this, they are following the lead of the National Council of Churches…

It is a macabre spectacle watching these communions denounce Israel, the most consistent target of helter-skelter Arab and Muslim terror in the world, with victims virtually every day…

The Disciples and the United Church, the most recent players in the “Israel shouldn’t protect itself” school of international politics, have called on the Jewish state to dismantle its security barriers around the West Bank…

Members of the high-minded general assembly of the Disciples of Christ declined to hear a talk by Tzippi Cohen, a young woman who survived the 2003 suicide bombing at Cafe Hillel on Emek Refaim Street in a neighborhood mostly made up of students and growing families, before they voted…

There’s more, but a paid subscription is probably required and is not recommended. The New Republic tends to mix its fact and fiction pieces without labeling, so you never know what you are getting when you read it.Still, Mr. Peretz might want to have a sit-down with Senator Rockefeller. It seems the former has a few things for the latter to consider.

Addendum: Gerry Daly recommends this Balloon Juice post for more.

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