31 Oct 2005 Manny Miranda on Samuel Alito
Manny Miranda of the Third Branch Conference has this to say about President Bush’s nomination of Samuel Alito:
The nomination of Samuel A. Alito to service on the Supreme Court is consummately in keeping with President Bush’s trust and mandate from the American people to be a steward, together with the Senate, of the third branch of government. Judge Alito is a constitutionalist who has weathered one of the more liberal federal circuit courts in the country. As former counsel on religious liberty for the Senate Majority Leader, I know Judge Alito is a special friend of religious liberty — America’s first civil right. Judge Alito is immensely well qualified. When he is confirmed, Judge Alito will add to the legitimacy of the Supreme Court. When this nomination comes to the Senate floor, it deserves an honest up or down vote, and in the process, the American people deserve a national debate worthy of us.
As with Chief Judge John Roberts, the President has hit a grand slam with this nomination. Moreover, the president has ended the corrupting practice of stealth nominations, a presidential act of statecraft for which he will be long remembered.