09 May 2006 Another U.N. Farce
From the New York Times, May 9:
UNITED NATIONS, May 9 – Six nations with poor human rights records were among those elected to the new Human Rights Council on Tuesday, although notorious violators that had belonged to the predecessor Human Rights Commission did not succeed in winning places in the new group.
China, Cuba, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Azerbaijan, countries cited by human rights groups as not deserving membership, were among the 47 nations elected to the council. But in a move hailed by the same groups, both Iran and Venezuela failed to attract the needed votes…
All hail the U.N. There are some murderous dictatorships it doesn’t like.Others, however, are spiffy.
In closing, to the New York Times: A dateline traditionally contains the location from which a dispatch is made and the date it is made. The “United Nations” is not a location. It is a membership organization for governments based in New York. I believe you have heard of New York?