20 Jun 2006 Los Angeles Times Says Paulson Critics Dislike His “Hobby”
In so many ways does the mainstream press demean conservatives who work on environmental issues.
In this Los Angeles Times piece by Jim Puzzanghera, conservatives wary of the Henry Paulson nomination are described as “causing problems” for Paulson because Paulson likes to watch birds.
Here’s how the article begins:
WASHINGTON – As a three-decade Wall Street veteran and chairman of one of the nation’s premiere investment banks, Henry M. Paulson Jr. makes a living watching markets.
But it’s his hobby of watching birds that is already causing problems for his nomination as the nation’s next Treasury secretary.
An ardent environmentalist, Paulson is expected to be questioned during confirmation hearings about his role as chairman of the Nature Conservancy, and whether he adequately cleaned up the organization’s questionable land sale and tax break practices. Another potential sticky issue: a decision by Goldman Sachs, the investment bank Paulson heads as chairman and chief executive, to donate 680,000 acres of land in a remote section of Chile to an environmental group with ties to his son…
Nice mental image the Times paints: Critics so extreme on environmental issues we find even bird-watching threatening.
If only we really were as petty as the Times paints us. The actual concerns of the conservative National Legal and Policy Center are here and here, the concerns of the Free Enterprise Action Fund are here, the Competititve Enterprise Institute’s are hereand our concerns are detailed here.
Birds don’t seem to be the theme.