Sanctions on Sudan Applauded; Darfur Situation “An Embarrassment” to the Civilized World, Says Project 21, “Strong Determined Action” Needed to Stop Suffering of the People of Darfur

President Bush began the work week with an early-morning press conference in which he announced U.S.-imposed sanctions on government and rebel leaders in Sudan and Sudanese-controlled companies due to their role in prolonging the mass murder in Sudan’s Darfur region.

Stalling on a truce and the insertion of peacekeeping forces on the part of Sudanese president Omar al-Bashir is the stated reason for the President’s action.

Specifically, the three men cited individually — Sudanese state minister for humanitarian affairs Ahmad Muhammed Harun (who is also accused of war crimes), military intelligence and security chief Awad Ibn Auf and Khalil Ibrahim of the rebel group Justice and Equality Movement — will have all of their assets currently held in the United States frozen by the Treasury Department.  Additionally, 30 Sudanese companies linked to the government and another that has violated the Darfur arms embargo will be locked out of U.S. markets and restricted as much as possible in the international marketplace.

Fighting in Sudan’s Darfur region has already estimated to have killed more than 200,000 people and forced more than two million others from their homes.

Project 21 members applaud the Bush Administration for its leadership in this humanitarian crisis where international authorities have thus far remained largely cowed by the assurances and protests of the murderous Sudanese regime.

“With the newly-announced sanctions against Sudanese officials and companies helping to prop up the corrupt government of Omar al-Bashir, President Bush is continuing to take the steps that are needed if we are going to ever hold the Sudanese government and their allies accountable for and help end the genocide taking place in Darfur,” said Project 21 member Kevin Martin.  “For too long, the world has stood by and accepted the Sudanese stalling on the acceptance of an international peacekeeping force. President Bush’s latest action will hopefully bring an end to the waiting and dying in Darfur.”

“Darfur and the Sudanese government continue to be an embarrassment to the civilized world,” said Project 21 chairman Mychal Massie.  “It is unconscionable that the U.N. seems willing to wink at the genocide and suffering taking place in that region while pretending to intervene.  President Bush has taken definitive action in imposing new sanctions and strengthening old ones.  It would behoove liberal groups like the Congressional Black Caucus and NAACP to join the President in fighting to end the racial genocide taking place there.”

“I am pleased that the President has taken this action against members of the Sudanese government, as well as its militia surrogates, who have unleashed wave after wave of vicious attacks on the long-suffering people of Darfur,” said Project 21 member Joe Hicks.  “The President’s announced sanctions against named Sudanese leaders and at least one rebel leader, come just as we learn of the brutal gang-rape and beating of seven women in Darfur by the janjaweed — a group armed and supported by the Sudanese government.  The world’s nations have atched and largely offered platitudes as the people of Darfur have been subjected to nothing less than genocide.  Today’s announcement by President Bush indicates that strong determined action is finally being taken to end the suffering of the people of Darfur.”

Project 21, a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization sponsored by the National Center for Public Policy Research, has been a leading voice of the African-American community since 1992.  For more information, contact David Almasi at (202) 543-4110 x11 or [email protected], or visit Project 21’s website at

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