08 Jun 2007 NAACP Downsizing Because It’s a Dinosaur
Project 21 Chairman Mychal Massie is scoffing at the NAACP’s explanation for its financial woes, reports Randy Hall at CNSNews.com:
Massie laid much of the blame for the NAACP’s financial problems on Julian Bond, director of the organization’s board of directors. Bond, he said, ‘can find no good thing in society today and still asserts that America is living in the Jim Crow past when nothing could be further from the truth.”At the same time, they’re not addressing the very real ills in the black community: out-of-control abortion, which amounts to nothing more than black genocide; out-of-control single-parent households; out-of-control black-on-black crime; and out-of-control disrespectful, misogynistic behavior directed toward women in rap music,’ Massie said.’Instead, they are stuck in the antediluvian mantra of days past where ‘white people are out to get us.’ And that is wearing thin,’ he said.