The folks at Democratic Underground are encouraging each other to visit The National Center for Public Policy Research’s new website covering SCHIP. We have a poll there asking the following:

What should Congress do about SCHIP?
Expand it
Modify it somewhat, but not greatly
Eliminate the program
Not sure/no opinion

I wrote the poll, and, from a tactical perspective, could have done a better job. The people who support the White House position (expanding SCHIP by $5 billion) and the free-marketeers are presumably dividing their votes, while the socialists (creeping or otherwise) who agree with most of the Congressional Democrats and Republican Senators Charles Grassley and Orrin Hatch in favor of expanding the program by $35 billion for the next five years are voting for option one. (Or so I assume — some supporters of the Bush position could be voting for #1 as well.)

Nonetheless, the poll isn’t good tactically, but I thought it might be interesting to see where people stand when choosing between the three options.

A poster on Democratic Underground says he initially went on the Daily Kos to ask the people there to vote. Right before he did that, he writes, the poll tally was:

Expand it: 20.71%
Modify it somewhat, but not greatly: 31.07%
Eliminate the program: 39.81%
Not sure/no opinion: 8.41%

Now that the “please go vote” posts have been at these two liberal websites for a day or so, the tally is:

Expand it: 61.63%
Modify it somewhat, but not greatly: 12.24%
Eliminate the program: 23.04%
Not sure/no opinion: 3.09%

Make of it what you will.

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The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.