13 Mar 2009 Tom Borelli Interviewed on Breitbart TV About Disney Chairman’s F-Bomb Attack at Shareholder Meeting – Watch Online
From David Almasi:
Tom Borelli, director of The National Center’s Free Enterprise Project, appeared on Thursday’s Breitbart TV “B-Cast” program with hosts Scott Baker and Liz Stephans to discuss being verbally accosted by the CEO of the Walt Disney Company.
To access the Internet broadcast at any time, click here.
After making a presentation in favor of making the miniseries available at the company’s annual shareholder meeting, Borelli, who was representing the Free Enterprise Action Fund (a Disney shareholder), tried to shake Iger’s hand. Iger scowled at Borelli and said “f— you.” Borelli then returned to the podium reported the exchange to his fellow shareholders. The B-CAST plays the Disney-doctored tape, noting that, at the spot where Tom Borelli and other witnesses say he reported the expletive from the podium, the tape — including sounds from the audience — briefly goes mysteriously silent.
The B-CAST program also explains why the mini-series “The Path to 9/11” has become such a headache for Disney. It includes excerpts from John Ziegler’s video, “Blocking the Path to 9/11.”
On Thursday, Breitbart-TV also posted Disney’s version of Tom Borelli’s entire presentation at the meeting, as well as the Disney Chairman John Pepper’s response, available here.
For more information, see National Center for Public Policy Research press releases here, here, and here.