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Washington, DC – In light of the ABC World News program’s decision to host a “Town Hall” meeting on health care at the White House without opposition participation, the National Center for Public Policy Research is making a list of ABC World News sponsors available online for those who wish to boycott sponsors or/or send a letter of protest to them.
The list of sponsors includes sponsors from the June 18, 2009 program – the date ABC announced the White House-based program would take place – to the present and beyond, and is available at www.nationalcenter.org/ABCNewsSponsors.html.
“Town Hall meetings are generally understood to cover a wide range of viewpoints,” said National Center for Public Policy Research president Amy Ridenour, “and network newscasts are supposed to be objective. Yet ABC is holding a Town Meeting with the chief backer of government-run health care at a venue entirely favorable to him, and inviting opposition only in the form of questions to him from a generalized audience placed in an entirely inferior position. An objective conversation is impossible under those conditions.”
“Moreover,” said Ridenour, “ABC News has refused offers from opponents of the President’s plan even to buy paid advertising during scheduled commercial breaks. ABC is not only pitching for Obama, it’s pitching him a no-hitter.”
“Many Americans, probably millions, believe so-called ‘ObamaCare’ will lead to shortages of health care services, leading to pain, misery and even death,” Ridenour continued, “as this is the experience of every nation that has tried government-run health care so far, The health care debate is literally life-and-death, yet ABC is treating it like an afternoon tea at the White House.”
“Because of this,” she concluded, “the National Center for Public Policy Research is posting online a list of all the sponsors of ABC World News since ABC announced this program, and we encourage people to make their views — including, if they so choose, with their wallets — known to ABC’s sponsors.”
The list of ABC World News sponsors can be found online atwww.nationalcenter.org/ABCNewsSponsors.html.
Founded in 1982, The National Center for Public Policy Research is non-partisan, non-profit educational foundation based in Washington, DC. 94% of its revenue is derived through hundreds of thousands of small contributions, 1.5% of its revenue from corporations and 4.5% from philanthropic foundations.