Project 21’s Kevin Martin Rebuts Obama Health Care Address

Project 21 member Kevin Martin watched President Obama’s address to Congress last night and didn’t see much difference in what the White House and liberals on the Hill proposed before their summer vacation when it comes to reforming health care and what they are peddling now:

After losing control of their message on health care reform and having heard the criticism of their proposal at town hall meetings throughout the recent recess, one would expect the President and his liberal allies to return to Washington with new and innovative ideas about such reform. Instead, what the President said last night was a mish-mash of the same talking points, half-truths and misleading statements.

President Obama and his allies are ignoring the real reform Americans want in our health care system – namely reining in high costs and lessening the burden of lawsuit abuse on caregivers. Dealing with waste, fraud and abuse is something Americans have long wanted and this can be a point of agreement with the President – but it is odd that this is a cause the President’s team is late in joining. What took them so long?

When supporters of a government option preach that their plan will be cost-effective and deficit-neutral as Obama did last night, it rings hollow. One has to look no further than the pork projects in this year’s partisan “stimulus” package and the resulting explosion of the deficit to realize that being cost-effective and deficit-neutral are not the President’s forte.

This post was written by David Almasi, executive director of the National Center for Public Policy Research. Write the author at [email protected]. As we occasionally reprint letters on the blog, please note if you prefer that your correspondence be kept private, or only published anonymously.

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