More on Rush Limbaugh and the NFL

On Rush Limbaugh and the NFL, more from the mailbag:

When our youngest (of 3) child became a serious soccer player, he introduced us to the world of international “football” or soccer. Now twenty years old, he has announced that he will never buy an NFL ticket or another NFL jersey, and he doesn’t even listen to talk radio. If you were to check out his Facebook page, you would see an appeal to free Plaxico. He is well informed about the NFL and its players and the rather uneven penalties meted out to the players depending on where they may be found “guilty”, and he may still watch a Panthers game or two, but he will save his money for English Premier League, European Soccer or World Cup.And this is where the NFL is (pardon the expression) idiotic. The world of sports viewership is now global. And as William has pointed out this week to us, you don’t hear the EPL players making political statements or any of the European or African players we follow. The governing bodies of international soccer may be territorial, but they are most definitely not commenting on the politics of team owners. A Russian thug can buy an English team, but that won’t affect whether we root for Chelsea FC or not (we are, in fact, Arsenal FC, another London club, fans; and they are affectionately know as the “gooners”, nothing politically correct about that, despite the rampant political correctness in the UK).

So, good luck NFL, I have been introduced to the excitement of the EPL and I will now allow that to monopolize my weekend viewing. An American actually owns a piece of Arsenal, but that doesn’t affect my affections one iota. I will delight in the skills of players from Spain, the Netherlands, Denmark, Russia, France, England, Bosnia, the Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Mexico, and any other country that produces Arsenal talent. And, guess what, these players even understand economics (unlike some loud mouths from the NFL who have no problem alienating me and my pocketbook) and have commented on how the increase of UK income taxes from 40% to 50% this year will affect where they choose to play and the contracts they negotiate. Witness the top player in the world leaving Manchester for a Spanish team this year.

We now live in a GLOBAL economy. The NFL has just revealed how provincial it really is. So weekdays if I’m in my car, I’ll listen to Rush; and weekends I’ll be tuned in to the soccer channels. I grew up on Johnny Unitas and the Baltimore Colts. I’ll relish my football memories as I savor political debate. Life is too short to waste time on Keith O’s pregame show or whining football players. RIP, NFL. Your competition is global and your days are numbered. That’s what they put the nets up for, regardless of the sport.

Mary Bejan
Durham, NC 27707

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