20 Mar 2010 Defending Bill O’Reilly…
and us, and Brian Kilmeade of Fox, Ed Morrissey at Hot Air, and I don’t know who else.
In the final days before the health care vote, those noted above reported that the New England Journal of Medicine had published/reported on a survey by the Medicus Firm showing, among other things, that passage of ObamaCare could result in a significant decline in the number of doctors willing to practice medicine.
Here’s Bill O’Reilly’s “Talking Points” segment on it:
And here’s what Ed Morrissey at Hot Air said, in part:
And you thought wait times were long now. The New England Journal of Medicine, hardly a bastion of conservative thought, polled health-care providers to determine their reaction to ObamaCare, and discovered that it has many doctors looking for the exits. Almost half of all general-practice doctors would feel compelled to leave medicine altogether if it passes…
Here’s what Brian Kilmeade said on Fox and Friends:
And here’s what we said, in part:
If ObamaCare passes, you may lose your family doctor. Oh, and good luck finding a new one.
That’s the stunning conclusion of a new study by the Medicus Firm, as reported by the New England Journal of Medicine. Medicus, a national physician search firm, surveyed 1,195 practicing physicians about the health reform plans pending in Congress. The doctors, representing a wide range of specialties and career levels, were asked to assess the possible impact of ObamaCare on their careers, including “income, job satisfaction, and future career plans.”
Following this, according to the Daily Kos and Media Matters, the New England Journal of Medicine came out saying it did not publish the survey at all.
From the Daily Kos, in part:
On Tuesday and Wednesday, Fox breathlessly promoted what it claims to be a new survey from the New England Journal of Medicine showing doctors oppose health care reform, but there’s a problem: the non-scientific survey was conducted months ago, was not published in the NEJM, and, according to a spokesperson for the journal, it has “nothing to do with the New England Journal of Medicine’s original research.”
From Media Matters, in part:
Right-wing media have seized on a dubious, three-month old email “survey” that purports to show that physicians are concerned about health care reform and that 46 percent of the primary care doctors surveyed “indicated that they would leave medicine – or try to leave medicine – as a result of health reform.” Many media figures have falsely attributed this survey to the New England Journal of Medicine. For example, on Fox & Friends, co-host Brian Kilmeade said: “The New England Journal of Medicine has published a report and did a survey, and they said the impact of reform on primary care physicians, 46 percent, they say, feel reform will force them out or make them want to leave medicine.”
This is false.
Media Matters for America contacted the New England Journal of Medicine, which confirmed it neither conducted nor published the “survey.”
NEJM spokesperson Jennifer Zeis told Media Matters that the study had “nothing to do with the New England Journal of Medicine’s original research.” She also made clear that the study “was not published by the New England Journal of Medicine,” and said that “we are taking steps to clarify the source of the survey.”
Following these reports, we posted a correction, as did Ed Morrissey. I can’t watch Fox all day, so I don’t know what it did. But I don’t want to close the book in this incident without saying something further: We made the correction to be as reliable as possible to those who rely on our materials, so if the New England Journal of Medicine is now claiming it never published the survey, and that it only intended to publish it in an affiliated newsletter, and has altered its website so that the link http://www.nejmjobs.org/rpt/health-reform-may-reduce-physician-workforce.asp no longer goes to a story about the survey, we don’t want anyone who quotes us publishing something that a third party could point out is denied by the New England Journal of Medicine, thus discrediting the third party, through no fault of their own. So we made the “correction,” and we’ll leave it up.
But we also want to make it clear that the New England Journal of Medicine did indeed publish this survey on it website. Judge for yourselves (open in new window to enlarge):
The NEJM has now changed the page to this, which is how we are now citing it, but we have a message for the New England Journal of Medicine: If you don’t want people saying you reported on or published something, don’t post it on your website with your logo at the top.
Hat tip: YouTube – PoliticsNewsNews’s Channel for the Bill O’Reilly video and Media Matters for the Brian Kilmeade video.
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Labels: Conservatives, Government Health Care, Health Care, Liberals, Media, Retirement