25 Mar 2010 The Washington Post Should Fire Courtland Milloy
A long-time Washington Post columnist, Courtland Milloy, tells his readers how he would like to spit on Americans who protest against big government, and hit them and knock out all their teeth:
I know how the ‘tea party’ people feel, the anger, venom and bile that many of them showed during the recent House vote on health-care reform. I know because I want to spit on them, take one of their ‘Obama Plan White Slavery’ signs and knock every racist and homophobic tooth out of their Cro-Magnon heads.
I am sick of these people — and those who make excuses for them and their victim-whiner mentality.
They aren’t racists, the apologists say. They just don’t like deficits and government takeover of health care. So what does using vile epithets for black or gay congressmen have to do with that? The tea party people didn’t refer to white Democrats using racial epithets. No one yelled ‘white trash’ or ‘redneck cracker’ at any of those congressmen. And none of their own ever stands up and declares that such practices are morally wrong.
If the Washington Post has apologized for this, and fired Courtland Milloy, both of which are called for, I am unaware of it.
Milloy’s piece in the Post contains an embedded link in the words “Obama Plan White Slavery,” but if you click the link it goes to a long Post photo spread of the March 20 Tea Party at the Capitol, and not a single sign in the entire series contains the term “white slavery,” or, unlike Milloy’s column, anything else remotely racialist or pro-violence.
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Labels: Government Health Care, Health Care, Liberals, Media, Protests