Obama’s Mystery Soccer Game – True Scandal Revealed

Regarding President Obama’s mystery soccer game, I think a mountain is being made of a molehill (see RedState, Right Wing News and American Thinker among, presumably, others).

DavidB, a commenter on American Thinker, had this to say about a post about this “mystery” there:

The soccer fields you describe are at Fort Reno (that’s the tower in the background of your photo). And, by fortunate coincidence I drove right by the fields Saturday morning. While I can’t confirm the President’s presence, I can confirm the following: 1) There were most definitely soccer games underway on the brand new soccer fields; 2) There were multiple DC Police cars in attendance with officers directing traffic (not normal); and, 3) At least a half-dozen black Chevy Suburbans were parked on the street, surrounded by a significant contingent of grey-suited men talking into their lapels.

So, if Obama didn’t make it to the game, they sure were prepared for him. And I’m baffled by your description of this neighborhood as a “high crime” area. I live three blocks from Fort Reno and work barely a block away. Ever see a Whole Foods in a “high crime” area? There’s one a block from that soccer field. Ask around about Northwest Washington and you’ll soon discover that the only things “high” in the area are incomes and property values. Surely Mr. Obama’s real offenses against the Republic are sufficiently obvious that we don’t have to divine secret meaning from back-page accounts of his weekend activities. Oh, and I’ll be walking home from work tonight, right down Chesapeake Street, in the dark, alone, unarmed…

I don’t know DavidB and can’t independently verify what he says he saw Saturday morning, but he’s certainly right that “the only things ‘high’ in the area are incomes and property values.” In fact, in chasing Obama there, however unfruitfully, some well-paid members of the press pool would have been returning nearly to their own neighborhood.

But don’t despair, scandal-mongers, there is truly is a verifiable scandal here. The article in Time bloggers are citing as source of the soccer game’s location uses an apostrophe incorrectly.

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