Borellis Speaking at Independence Day Tea Party Rally in Philadelphia

On July 4, see Tom and Deneen Borelli speak live at the Philadelphia Tea Party Patriot’s Independence Day Tea Party.

The event takes place between 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM in Love Park (JFK Plaza) in downtown Philadelphia (North 15th and Arch Streets).

Deneen has been asked to speak about how the “cap-and-trade” climate policy advocated by the Obama Administration and its progressive base of supporters will create a de facto energy tax harmful to everyone, but to low-income families in particular.  She is a fellow with the National Center’s Project 21 black leadership network

Tom, director of the Free Enterprise Project at the National Center, will highlight how big companies such as General Electric and BP are promoting cap-and-trade policy.  Company executives are putting their companies on this disastrous path with apparent disregard to the interests of their customer, stockholders and the rest of the American people.

For more about the event and its other speakers, click here.

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