Project 21’s Jimmie Hollis on the Rally-Like Atmosphere of the Arizona Shooting Memorial Service

JimmieHollishatJimmie Hollis, a member of the Project 21 black leadership network, thought that Wednesday night’s memorial for the victims of Jared Lee Loughner’s shooting spree was created with good intentions.  What resulted, however, lacked the decorum that it deserved.   Jimmie said:

It was appropriate for the President of the United States to speak at the memorial service in Arizona, but I was dismayed with the overall mood of the crowd.

Considering the occasion, it was often too raucous and too loud.  People were shouting out way too much, and there was inappropriate clapping and cheering at moments intended for solemnness.

I don’t blame President Obama, but the mood of the crowd was almost like a pep rally rather than a memorial.

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