01 Apr 2011 Deneen Borelli on the Budget Debate and Obama’s Troubled Ties
Project 21 fellow Deneen Borelli was a participant in the “Great American Panel” on the March 31 edition of “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel. Joining Deneen and Hannity were pollster Doug Schoen and prosecutor Anna-Sigga Nicolazzi.
Discussing the recent revelation of extremist comments made by former White House “green jobs” czar Van Jones just after the terrorist attacks of 9/11/01, Deneen said it is “totally outrageous” that Jones was able to secure a key job in the Obama Administration despite his known “radical” past. She also considered Obama’s ties to Jeremiah Wright and possibly to Louis Farrakhan, in light of the current Libyan crisis, to be “very concerning.”
In the second segment, talking about the spending debate in Washington, Deneen noted that the change in leadership in the U.S. House of Representatives was meant to “reign in government gone wild” and that the American people want Washington to curb excessive spending and show overall restraint in the budget process.