27 Mar 2013 Council Nedd Responds to AHA
Project 21 received a note from the American Humanist Association asking for a correction and an apparent clarification to a recent New Visions Commentary — “Atheist Bullies” — written by member Archbishop Council Nedd II.
Council replies: My apologies to the American Humanist Association. I noted in my piece that the AHA erected a billboard “in Moscow” as part of their offensive KidsWithoutGod.com ad campaign. So not to confuse anyone, the billboard went up in Moscow, Idaho (population 24,000) and not Moscow, Russia (population 10.5 million).
The AHA also noted that, contrary to my claim that their bus ad campaign was “huge” and featured thousands of ads: “The AHA did not purchase tens of thousands, but rather around 200 ads.” They also only bought bus ads in Washington, D.C.
As regretful as I am about any mistakes in my writing, perceived or actual, being allowed to correct and clarify my comments now more clearly illustrates my main point about atheists being bullies.
In my commentary, I said: “If it was a dialogue the atheists wanted, why not choose places with more opportunity for true engagement.” A billboard in the very religiously diverse Moscow, Russia would surely, in my opinion, have generated far more productive discussion about the utility of faith than where it actually was posted in a small city tucked away in the American Pacific Northwest that has a much lower religious affiliation than the nation as a whole. Pardon me, but that’s singing to the choir (at least it would if they went to church).
I am now more solid in my belief that AHA’s true goal for their ad campaign is not to affect real discussion. Instead, I believe they are merely trying to shock a few people with hopes of also earning a squib on MSNBC or CNN.