13 Oct 2013 When is a Victory a Loss? When Conservatives Win and Liberals Report It
Earlier this month I teased Slate for trying to spin the government’s partial shutdown so hard it lurched into satire – trying to start a pity party because some college women who are getting free money from the taxpayers might get their money late which might cause them to have trouble paying for their birth control.
Today I’m teasing Slate again over another bit of wild spin.
Remember how President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder teamed up to hide the details of the Fast and Furious gunrunning scandal from Congress and the American people?
Well, the Republican-majority Congress, in the form of Rep. Darrell Issa’s House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, sued. Holder’s DOJ filed a motion to block the suit, and Congress won.
So did Slate run a story about the GOP victory?
It ran one about the GOP loss.
Yes, it seems that after losing, the DOJ asked for a delay because the of the shutdown. Congress said a delay was unnecessary, but the judge decided to grant a delay until the shutdown is over.
So that makes the whole thing an Administration victory, according to Slate.