24 Jan 2014 National Center Applauds Supreme Court for Extending Justice Sotomayor’s Injunction Against Enforcement of ObamaCare’s HHS Mandate
Group Releases “Hitler Learns ObamaCare’s Contraception Mandate Could Be Struck Down” Parody Video to Help Illustrate to the Public the Issues in the Case
Group Also Has Op-Ed on Case in Over 30 Newspapers Nationwide
Washington, D.C. – The National Center for Public Policy Research applauds the move by the U.S. Supreme Court Friday to extend Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s December 31 injunction exempting the Little Sisters of the Poor and others in their lawsuit from the Department of Health and Human Services’ early abortion drug and contraception mandate while their appeal is pending in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit.
“ObamaCare’s HHS early abortion drug and contraception mandate is unfair, unconstitutional and unnecessary,” said Amy Ridenour, chairman of the National Center for Public Policy Research. “Its intent is to force individuals, charities and businesses to fund abortion and contraception even if the individuals involved believe either or both are morally wrong. The U.S. Supreme Court was correct to extend Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s order barring the Obama Administration from enforcing the mandate against the Little Sisters of the Poor while its appeal is heard by the U.S. Court of Appeals in Denver.”
In response to the Supreme Court’s action, the National Center for Public Policy Research published today a parody video, “Hitler Learns ObamaCare’s Contraception Mandate Could Be Struck Down,” to help illustrate for the public the issues in the case. It can be viewed on YouTube at http://youtu.be/v-ttFH6waMI.
Ridenour is an author of an op-ed concluding the mandate will be thrown out by the courts that has appeared over the last week in the Tucson Arizona Star, Providence Journal, New York Newsday, Boston Herald, Deseret News and nearly 30 other newspapers.
Ridenour’s op-ed against the mandate can be read online here.
The op-ed was paired in a debate format with one by Rev. Barry Lynn of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, who argued an alternative position.
The National Center for Public Policy Research, founded in 1982, is a non-partisan, free-market, independent conservative think-tank. Ninety-four percent of its support comes from individuals, less than four percent from foundations, and less than two percent from corporations. It receives over 350,000 individual contributions a year from over 96,000 active recent contributors.
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