07 Feb 2014 Do Americans Have a Free Speech Right to Flash Their Headlights? A Debate on the Sean Hannity Show
Do Americans have a free speech right to flash their headlights to warn other motorists of a speed trap? Is the Obama Administration attacking the heart of the American work ethic? Should an American dip the U.S. flag in respect before Vladimir Putin? And is MSNBC’s Chris Matthews right to claim that conservatives want to have President Obama executed?
These and other questions were debated on the February 6 Sean Hannity radio show between attorney Horace Cooper, Co-Chairman of Project 21 and an adjunct fellow at the National Center for Public Policy Research and Thaddeus Russell, author of “A Renegade History of the U.S.” (Free Press/Simon & Schuster, 2010) and an adjunct assistant professor of American Studies at Occidental College.