26 Jun 2014 Project 21’s Derryck Green: Federal Unemployment Numbers Not What You Think
Project 21 member Derryck Green tells Soul of the South host Angela Rae that the reported decline in the government’s unemployment calculations is “not impressive,” noting that factors such as a lack of confidence on the part of potential employers and the many people despondent and living under “a heavy blanket of apathy” has profoundly affected workforce participation. This factor, which is as bad as it was in the late 70s Carter era of malaise, is more authoritative and shows a more negative picture of the nation’s employment crisis.
On the 6/17/14 edition of “D.C. Breakdown,” Derryck notes many new college graduates are unable to find good jobs, and are often forced to make ends meet by taking jobs below their skill level. Job creators are wary, with many thinking it more prudent right now to try to “ride out the Obama wave.” But the longer the innovators and the employers wait, the harder it is likely to be to restart America’s stalled economy.
This perilous cycle of circumstances forces many young people to move back in or remain living with their parents and makes it difficult — if not impossible — for them to repay expensive student loans.
As for the performance of President Obama in dealing with the problem, Derryck says Obama makes the situation worse because he “advocates for equality [in the economy]… not wealth creation.” Congressional inactivity also adds to the problem, and conservatives need to be more convincing and forceful with a counter-narrative to the agenda of the Obama Administration and its supporters.