17 Oct 2014 Claims of Racist Ebola Care “Absurd” and “Hurtful”
Project 21 member Council Nedd II was one of the first people in America to contract the H1NI swine flu virus in 2009. His doctor sent him home, much like doctors originally turned away Thomas Eric Duncan, the first American fatality due to the Ebola virus. Council does not believe he was initially denied care because of the color of his skin, but because his doctor honestly could not believe that he was “Patient Zero” in his region for that particular flu pandemic.
But Jesse Jackson has whipped some people into a frenzy now with a claim that the color of Duncan’s skin may have been a determining factor in his care and now his death from Ebola. Duncan’s family has since said they also believe race was a factor in Duncan’s care.
On the 10/15/14 edition of “The Rick Amato Show” on the One America News Network, Council debunked Jackson’s claim in no uncertain terms, saying:
The question is, you know, would they be crying racism if Jesse Jackson hadn’t put the idea in their head. [Duncan’s] death is regrettable, obviously, but he got the best treatment in the world. He got the best medical treatment that was available to him. And for Jesse Jackson to come, after the fact, and say “well, he died because, essentially, because of racism” — no, Mr. Duncan died from Ebola… It’s absurd and it’s hurtful.