17 Nov 2014 Gruber’s Wrong: Hogberg Says Americans “Not That Stupid” about ObamaCare
Commenting on shock videos released last week that show ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber disparaging the American people and admitting that the effort to sell the health care takeover was rife with lies and the bill was intentionally confusing, National Center policy analyst Dr. David Hogberg said it’s “not surprising” that liberal intellectuals think the American people are stupid. But David disagreed with Gruber, saying that Americans are “not that stupid” — a sizable portion of the public, in fact, has always been skeptical of ObamaCare and are smart enough to see through assurances of Gruber and his ilk.
On the 11/14/14 edition of “The Rick Amato Show” on the One America News Network, David said the American people are engaged in the public policy process and do want to see those who tampered with our nation’s respected and envied health care system to be held accountable for the damage that has been done to it. They also want to see actual free-market reforms instituted that can improve upon it.