09 Nov 2015 Project 21 Members Issue Statements in Response to Resignation of University of Missouri President Tim Wolfe
Washington, D.C. – Project 21‘s Stacy Washington and Horace Cooper have issued statements addressing the resignation of University of Missouri President Tim Wolfe today in light of student and faculty protests over racial issues on the campus.
Said Stacy Washington, a Project 21 member and talk show host on 97.1 FM News Talk KFTK in St. Louis, Missouri:
The purveyors of Political Correctness have won again. It’s a shallow victory for so-called “striking” college football players to achieve the resignation of the President of the University of Missouri. It’s clear that this move was partially motivated by the potential loss of over a million dollars if the next football game with Brigham Young University was cancelled.
What is the next move? What else do these students, many of whom are at Mizzou on scholarships, actually want from the university? And will football players return to the game at this point? I noticed the AstroTurf nature of the protests with the expensive tents (who is funding those?) and the divisive rhetoric employed by the protesters.
The resignation is not an appropriate answer to two isolated racially-motivated incidents. If the school is “unhealthy and unsafe” for black students, why don’t they enroll in an HBCU and end the oppression? Because this isn’t about those two incidents. The protesters mentioned Michael Brown. Now we know what they want.
Project 21 Co-Chairman Horace Cooper added:
Score a victory for the racial totalitarians. Succeeding in ousting the President of the University over such undefined and unrelated racial injustices sets a dangerous precedent and is a tactic more appropriate for 20th century Marxists than the 21st century academy.
This entire episode is troubling, from the fact that the athletics department leaders and faculty encouraged this anti-intellectual behavior to the fact that it mostly stems from the Michael Brown “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” fraud.
Stacy Washington, Horace Cooper and other members of Project 21 are available for interviews. Please contact Judy Kent at (703) 759-7476 or [email protected].
A leading voice of black conservatives for over two decades, Project 21 is sponsored by the National Center for Public Policy Research, a conservative, free-market, non-profit think-tank established in 1982. Contributions to the National Center are tax-deductible and greatly appreciated.
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