How to Avoid Poverty

I’m not sure which of our pieces referring to Black Lives Matter this gentleman read, but his advice is good regardless:

Dear Sir,

Having just read your piece over BLM as it pertains to the Ferguson case (I realize this is old news and NOT a recent post), I feel compelled to thank you for your HONEST analysis. This is, sadly, missing from today’s climate.

I am a school teacher and my mantra is, “It’s all about choices.” The Brookings Institute just released more research on one of the largest issues facing the Black community. Namely, poverty. In it, it states that if one does NOT want to end up in poverty, DO these three things… 1. Graduate from High School. 2. Get a job and keep a job and don’t quit that job until you find a better job. 3. Do NOT have a child out of wedlock.

If one does these things, the chances of ending up in poverty is under 9%.

I hope and pray a voice like yours gets a national spotlight.

Thanks and take care,


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