27 Feb 2017 Black Americans Should Work With President Trump to Save Our Nation
Project 21’s Ted Hayes spoke today with radio host Pastor Greg Young about why black Americans would do best to work with President Trump instead of castigating others who do.
“We as black people have struggled for a long time in this country with the help of our white brothers and sisters for freedom from slavery, freedom from Jim Crow, the right to vote, to speak with/about, to hang out with who we want to, and we said that when we get our freedom we wouldn’t behave the way others have treated us,” said Hayes. “And lo and behold, we get the freedom and look at these African-Americans. They go and attack fellow brothers and sisters for simply accepting the outreached hand of the President of the United States who wants to help us. They castigate them.”
Hayes compared President Trump to President Lincoln: “The boys in the Civil War… died over the value that we must correct what the Declaration of Independence said, we must free fellow human beings from slavery. For that is the will of God, which President Abraham Lincoln came to understand on September 22, 1862 when he issued the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation. He said, ‘God told me I need to do this if I’m to save the Union.’ And sir, we’re right back at that point again. And thank God the Lord got this crazy man from out of nowhere. Donald Trump shocked everybody and is giving us a second chance to save our nation if we would get smart and wise to do it.”
“We are slaves and don’t even know it. And look at the death rate of black people under Democratic rule,” says Hayes. “You know why you don’t hear much from the Ku Klux Klan anymore? They put the sheets back on their beds because they see black folks are doing to black folks what the Klansmen wanted all along. They are satisfied.”
Hayes’ entire appearance on Chosen Generation Radio today can be heard below, and is based on Hayes’ recent Daily Caller article, “Making Black History.”