“Regulatory Genocide” and Radical Environmentalist Complicity Explained

“This guy is great!” exclaimed Chuck Woolery, the host of the Blunt Force Truth podcast (and former host of the game shows “Wheel of Fortune” and “Love Connection”).

Woolery was talking about National Center Senior Fellow Bonner Cohen, Ph.D. – a repeat guest on the program. Bonner had returned to discuss environmental activism and “regulatory genocide.”

“He’s just a very, very smart guy,” Woolery continued about Bonner. “He’s very professorial.  He’s very calm.  He knows his stuff. Boy, does he know it. He knows the people. He knows the history. He ties is all together. And you will enjoy him!”

“What a radio voice, too,” added co-host Mark Young. “It’s like hearing from God about what to do.”

Besides the Internet, Blunt Force Truth can be heard on 52 radio stations across the nation.

Woolery asked Bonner to come back on his show to talk about the pesticide DDT and the effect of radical, unscientific environmentalist extremism on public health. Woolery, who has a long history in the entertainment industry, noted how celebrity activists cite the ban on DDT use – a one-time common mosquito repellant – as an example of successful environmental activism.

Now, however, in places where mosquitos were under control, people are forced to survive with only netting as protection against the blood-sucking insects and the diseases they carry.

Bonner called DDT a “miracle chemical in its day” in how it irritated, repelled and killed malaria-carrying mosquitos. Its use was credited with nearly eradicating malaria across the globe, and won its inventor a Nobel Prize. But, he explained, environmental activist Rachel Carson used her book Silent Spring to launch a campaign against DDT based (and birth modern environmental radicalism) on the assertion it was a dire threat to wildlife. Despite a scientific investigation that found DDT use acceptable, the newly-created federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) banned its use in 1972.

This, Bonner said, had “absolutely catastrophic consequences” as malaria rebounded and killed many millions of people.

After the EPA started the ball rolling against DDT use, the U.N.’s World Health Organization followed suit. This “copycat effect” led to other enforcement agencies to climb on the bandwagon, “allowing a dread disease that had all but disappeared to come back with the very predictable consequences that tens of millions of people would lose their lives…”

Bonner noted:

If you’re looking for the moral content of environmentalism, look no further than DDT. Because its first big success led to the premature deaths of tens of millions of people. Now, these were people who – in a sense – out of sight and out of mind. They were primarily in Sub-Saharan Africa, but they were also in Southeastern Asia – far away from Hollywood Boulevard, far away from the streets of Manhattan.

Click here to listen to Bonner’s Blunt Force Truth interview in its entirety.

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