23 Dec 2017 Harrisburg Gunman Targeting Police May Be a Peek at the Future
A gunman who was undoubtedly targeting police officers was shot and killed in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on Friday afternoon. But Ahmed Aminamin El-Mofty was dispatched by a Pennsylvania State Police trooper during his second attempted assault.
None of the officers involved were hurt. Neither were any bystanders.
El-Mofty’s Arab ethnicity and recent travel to the Middle East raises speculation about this being a potential act of terrorism. While officials are not yet willing to confirm it as terrorism, the FBI and ATF are involved in the investigation.
It is also reported that El-Mofty’s residence was raided by immigration agents in 2016.
Project 21 Co-Chairman Council Nedd II, a Pennsylvania state constable, is concerned about the risk his fellow officers face from potential terrorists at a time when some public officials are unwilling to accommodate investigators out of concern for the alleged rights of refugees and illegal aliens. There are several counties in the Harrisburg area unwilling to share information on illegal aliens with federal immigration authorities.
Council warns:
Unfortunately, this is the sort of thing more Americans and law enforcement officers must be prepared to see in the future.
I have been warning for some time that, if cities declare themselves sanctuary cities and hamstring law enforcement when they attempt to enforce laws, there will surely be dire consequences.
While most people were making final preparations for Christmas, it seems that – unbeknownst to most – an Islamic terrorist was planning an attack on the peacekeepers.
I got into law enforcement knowing full well about the risks that I would face, and that’s true for my brother and sister LEOs. But it’s jarring when you hear about a blatant attack on those who selflessly serve their community.
But Council adds:
There is nothing that the terrorist can do to steal the joy of Christmas from the hearts of the vast majority of Americans.
That being said, citizens should always play a role in keeping our communities safe. If you see something, say something.