Millennials Challenged by Murder of Black Lives Matter Activist

In the early hours of February 6, police officers in New Orleans found Black Lives Matter activist Muhiyidin Elamin Moye, aka Muhiyidin d’Baha, bleeding from a bullet wound to his leg. Moye, who rose to prominence in Charleston, South Carolina for his protests against police and public display of the Confederate flag, was later pronounced dead at a local hospital.

No arrests have been made, and no suspects have been identified. A relative said he was on a personal visit.

Project 21 member Nadra Enzi, a New Orleans resident and public safety advocate there, thinks Moye’s death may force younger activists involved in the Black Lives Matter movement to reassess the targets of their rage:

The recent murder of Black Lives Matter activist Muhiyidin Elamin Moye in the real-life Gotham City of New Orleans may underscore what I call the “Paradox of Urban Millennial Unrest.”

As a local public safety advocate in the Crescent City, I have a ringside seat to a chaotic climate of violence that holds too many people hostage from a normal life. If Moye’s murderer is discovered to be another young black man, I hope the senseless death will rightfully challenge urban Millennials’ silence about their generation’s extreme violence toward each other and white citizens with whom they differ.

As a Generation Xer, I commend urban Millennials for their fearless – albeit rude and often ill-conceived – outcry against perceived injustice. And I hope their outcry will be equally fearless should it be discovered that a young black man killed Muhiyidin Elamin Moye rather than a white vigilante or police officer.

People cannot continue ignoring the urban apocalypse destroying the communities they loudly claim to champion.

It’s also worth noting that I see the progressive powers-that-be in City Hall too focused on Mardi Gras to make political hay out of a homicide that’s trending internationally. So much for their concern about this black life mattering.

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