14 May 2018 #MeToo Culture Likens a Diaper Change to Sexual Abuse
A human sexuality “expert” in Australia suggested babies should be consulted as to whether or not they consent to having a soiled diaper changed.
Project 21 member (and father) Jerome Danner, in a new Daily Caller commentary, asked: “Has she actually interacted with a newborn and/or a toddler on a daily and consistent basis?”
Jerome also wonders what constitutes consent when it comes to a baby. Furthermore, how long must one wait before the subject can be broached once again.
In a recent interview on Australian television, Deanne Carson didn’t dispute babies want their dirty “nappies” changed. She nonetheless suggested that – in an effort to prevent any potential for sexual abuse – adding a step to the process in which “you leave a space, and wait for body language, and wait to make eye contact.” Doing so, she insisted, is “letting that child know that their response matters.” She said this “empowers children with their rights.”
Putting the ridiculous notion into perspective, Jerome noted in his commentary:
There are times when it is quite possible that a noble idea has no actual logic to it whatsoever. So, as a theory, such an idea may look attractive. However, when a thoughtful individual mulls over the proposition, they may end up finding it harder and harder to implement realistically. The proposed solution to whatever problem ends up having no real pragmatism to its premises.
For example, one of the presenters in the video included in this post pointed out an inherent flaw in Carson’s logic. He said that his 16-month-old daughter, when posed with a choice about changing her dirty diaper, always refuses. It’s not a “no means no” situation, but a sassy child. At her age, she obviously has no concept of the health risks or the detrimental effects on the local environment related to her precociousness. Jerome noted that abiding by Carson’s standard could easily be considered “neglect”:
Honestly, when children are at a very young age, the key word is “trust.”
They trust you to do the right thing by them as they will need time and maturity before they ever gain the slightest understanding of what it means to give consent over their body. Actually, this should easily prompt another inquiry, especially from those parents with a child with a certain intellectual impairment and physical abnormalities (such that comes with having Down syndrome). If a child has a disorder that causes a substantial impact on their speech (or lack thereof) and/or their physical movement (or lack thereof), then what does consent look like in such a child’s case?
In occurrences such as these, waiting for consent may be tantamount to neglecting your child until you are completely sure that they are affirming that it is okay for them to be touched and changed.
To read Jerome’s Daily Caller commentary – “That Statement on Babies’ Consent to Change Diapers by the Australian ‘Sexuality Expert is Absurd” – can he viewed in its entirety by clicking here.