17 Jan 2019 For Proof Of Left’s Double Standard On Racism, Compare The Women’s March And Tea Party, by Emery McClendon
Plans for the 2019 Women’s Marches in Washington, D.C. and elsewhere are falling apart. The radicalism of the movement and controversial views of its leadership are bringing it down.
Surprisingly, what’s happening with the Women’s March right now is similar to what the left claimed about the Tea Party ten years ago. The only difference is the reports this time appear to be true.
New Orleans will not have a Women’s March this year due to “drastically declined” interest and fundraising. Chicago won’t have one despite boasting more than 250,000 people in 2017. The march in Eureka, California was cancelled because organizers were concerned it would be “overwhelmingly white.”
What’s wrong? The Women’s March is clearly out of the mainstream. At the 2017 D.C. rally, Madonna told the crowd she thought about “blowing up the White House.” After the Justice Department shut down the infamous Backpage.com website used by prostitutes and possible human traffickers in 2018, the Women’s March tweeted that “[s]ex workers [sic] rights are women’s rights.” Those aren’t mainstream values. Past supporters are now disaffected.
Most prominently, the Women’s March has been hurt by the radicalism of its leaders. Co-founder Tamika Mallory touts her ties to Louis Farrakhan, who last year likened Jews to termites and suggested Jews control the FBI, which he called “the worst enemy of black advancement.” March leader Linda Sarsour also praised Farrakhan, and tweeted that Sen. Susan Collins was a “disgrace” and supported “white supremacy” by voting to confirm U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Yet polling showed at least half of American women supported Kavanaugh. This isn’t leadership that represents all American women, to say the least.
Vanessa Wruble, who helped organize the first march, claims that Mallory, Sarsour and Carmen Perez purged her from the leadership because she is Jewish. Actress Alyssa Milano says she will not participate in the Women’s March if Mallory and Sarsour remain in charge. Others are endorsing her position.
Yet the NAACP, which was alarmed in 2010 that Tea Party organizations “have given platform to anti-Semites, racists and bigots,” remains a partner of the Women’s March despite all the reported antisemitism, racism, and bigotry associated with it. This is all in stark contrast to how the Tea Party movement was portrayed by the left. The Tea Party was held to a totally different standard regarding its events. Was it simply based on the Tea Party having conservative leanings while the Women’s March has progressive leanings? It appears to be so.
The Tea Party was tagged as racist from its inception. Anytime a controversial person attended or a questionable sign was held up at a Tea Party event, there was an immediate call for accountability. If one person in thousands brought a Confederate flag, the NAACP wanted Tea Party leaders to repudiate those individuals as if they were invited to the podium. Critics even tried to label the Gadsden Flag, the Revolutionary War flag adopted by the Tea Party, as racist.
Yet, in contrast, it took two years and multiple investigative articles and public pressure from celebrities to get the Women’s March to address public racism by its leaders. Why the double standard allowing leaders on the left to get away with publicly condoning overt racists like Farrakhan while those on the right are tarred as racist despite their ready and open condemnation of it every time some unknown shows up at their events with a questionable sign?
The notion of Tea Party racism continues to be pursued even though black conservatives like myself not only attend these rallies, but are also speakers and organizers. As a leader of Tea Party rallies in the Midwest, I’ve always made it known that it is an open movement. I invite every American to join us out of love for God, country, and a common desire to preserve our Constitution and founding principles.
Over the past ten years, I have traveled to and spoken at countless Tea Party events. During this time, I’ve never witnessed a single incident of racism. To the contrary, I have been given several prestigious awards and been the keynote speaker at many movement events. I speak at conferences, write articles and make television and radio appearances to discuss the issues and motivations of the Tea Party movement.
Compare that to the Women’s March, which is concerned with events being too white and promoting radical rhetoric that only divides Americans. After all of the criticism of the Tea Party, it’s time for the left to come to grips with itself and police the extremism of the Women’s March. They can’t have it both ways.
Emery McClendon is a member of the Project 21 black leadership network and a tea party activist in the state of Indiana. This was originally published by The Federalist.
New Visions Commentaries reflect the views of their author, and not necessarily those of Project 21, other Project 21 members, or the National Center for Public Policy Research, its board or staff.