07 Jun 2019 Netflix Is Chill About Egypt Imprisoning Abortionists, Aghast at Georgia Law
Netflix has been all up in Georgia’s business these days in its holier-than-thou quest to put pro-life Americans in their place. So yesterday we got all up in Netflix’s business, and the company refused to respond to our insinuations of hypocrisy.
In late May, after Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp signed one of the nation’s most restrictive pro-life laws, Netflix executives threatened to “rethink our entire investment” in Georgia if the law went into effect.
It was certainly perfect timing then that Netflix’s annual shareholder meeting was held yesterday. These meetings are the only time all year when executives can’t ignore the questions and concerns of everyday investors like you and me. Or can they?
One trend in recent years has been the rise of VIRTUAL shareholder meetings, when the investors who used to have face-to-face access with executives must type in questions and hope that a faceless moderator allows those questions to go through. And this year’s annual meeting of Netflix investors was a virtual one.
That didn’t stop Free Enterprise Project Director Justin Danhof, Esq., from lobbing both sound advice and piercing questions at Netflix executives.
Justin first offered advice that Netflix executives would do well to heed:
Let me suggest that the company should make filming decisions based on economics, not by taking sides in culture battles. Sound business, not the rants of Alyssa Milano and Amy Schumer, should dictate corporate decision making.
Culture is improved when both sides of the aisle talk to one another, and that includes corporate culture. Netflix’s leadership is comprised solely of dyed-in-the-wool liberals. Perhaps the company should consider appointing a conservative to the board to balance out its decision- making processes.
Then Justin challenged the company to consider the effects of abortion laws in all states, and also to be consistent regarding its places of business:
In New York, viable babies can be killed under the nation’s most extreme pro-death law that allows abortion up until the day of delivery. And in Virginia, the Commonwealth has considered legislation that, as the governor has noted, would allow babies to be murdered even after they are born. Will Netflix consider pulling any current or future productions from New York or Virginia?
Finally, Netflix is planning to produce the upcoming show “Paranormal” in Egypt where abortion is punishable with imprisonment. Can we assume that Netflix will immediately move the location of that production?
Netflix’s response? Crickets.
Many corporations take shareholder questions for 45 minutes or more after official company business is completed. Netflix’s entire Q&A session was less than three minutes long – only three cherry-picked questions, mostly about shareholder meeting logistics. The third question was referred to as “the last question,” not because there were only three questions submitted, but because that was the last question Netflix chose to answer before abruptly cutting off the meeting and retreating.
Justin is understandably livid at Netflix CEO Reed Hastings:
Reed Hastings is a living, breathing example of a corporate coward. He surrounds himself with like-minded far-left liberal elites who would never dare question the boss. That’s why when confronted with one honest critical question, he ran in fear. I am publicly calling on Netflix either to stop all production in Egypt or to answer for its hypocrisy. I just won’t hold my breath, because, unlike the folks at Netflix, I value life.
Yesterday’s Netflix meeting marks the 26th time FEP has participated in a shareholder meeting in 2019. Our voice was heard in the first twenty-five meetings. Now it’s time for our voice to be heard by Netflix, regardless of its treatment of us during its shareholder meeting.
Will Netflix continue its hypocrisy by threatening to pull its business out of Georgia while still filming in Egypt? We’ll be watching.