04 Jun 2020 Kindness Among the Chaos
While serving as co-chairman of the Project 21 black leadership network and an Anglican bishop, Council Nedd II is also a Pennsylvania State Constable.
In his constable duties, Council was recently detailed to Philadelphia. Rioting there has disrupted businesses, and that allowed Council to discover that the place known as City of Brotherly Love may still live up to its name:
I was beginning to lament that hope for civility has been lost. But I saw something yesterday that caused me to think otherwise.
Bedford County Constable Robert Kidd and I were in Philadelphia for a peacekeeping assignment. Last evening, we were hanging out in our hotel parking lot with numerous other hotel guests. The electricity was out in the area.
A car approached where we were standing.
The driver was an old black man – a Korean War veteran who earned a Bronze Star for his service. He was running out of gas. The gas stations in the area were closed because of the lack of electricity. None of the other constables I was with knew where to direct the gentleman.
I approached some workmen who were a bit further down in the parking lot. I explained the situation. They also didn’t know where he could go, but they did have five gallons of gas in their truck that they were happy to share with him.
The veteran offered them money. The workers refused. They went back and forth a bit. I don’t know how it was resolved, but watching the interaction in these times was encouraging.
If we want to see evil and darkness, we will certainly find it. If we are seeking kindness, joy, compassion and beauty – that is there as well.