28 Jul 2021 FEP Highlighted in New Mark Levin Book
“The Great One” is grateful for the Free Enterprise Project.
In his new book, “American Marxism,” Mark Levin analyzes the radical crusade to destroy the United States through social justice intimidation and progressive politics. He describes the “counter-revolution to the American revolution,” and rallies people to take action to stop it.
Unlike many political books, Levin closes “American Marxism” by offering action items to answer the call for “what ‘we’ are going to do about recovering our country.” It offers suggestions on what can be done about leftist incursions into – among other areas – education, the media and corporations. And it is within that last section that he gives credit to FEP for its shareholder activism.
Noting that “[l]arge corporations have moved into the social activism business,” Levin laments that “corporate CEOs are activists and propagandists for these causes, organizing petitions, letters and other politically motivated, public efforts and even basing corporate success on achievements in social activism.”
With that being the case, he implores readers to get involved:
Each of us, and our circle of friends, associates and neighbors, can practice what I call “patriotic commerce” – that it, become an informed patriotic consumer. Together, we have enormous economic clout… [E]ach of us need to take a little time to determine whether the individual or company with whom we intend to do business shares our worldviews. If they do, or are neutral and stay out of politics, then we should support them. If not, we should not do business with them…
[Y]ou should support economically companies that are targeted but refuse to cave to these mob tactics by purchasing their products and services.
When calling out companies for their wokeness, Levin refers specifically to the work of FEP:
Furthermore, use social media to expose, pressure and organize protests against politically and ideologically hostile corporations… [G]o to shareholder meetings in large numbers and make your voices heard (this includes corporate media and Big Tech companies). The Free Enterprise Project (FEP) “files shareholder resolutions, engages corporate CEOs and board members at shareholder meetings, petitions the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for interpretive guidance and sponsors effective media campaigns to create the incentives for corporations to stay focused on their missions,” and can assist you in your efforts… You can be a part of patriotic shareholder-driven campaigns.
On July 15, Levin read the portion of his book that highlighted the work of FEP on his nationally-syndicated radio program:
Although he might not want people patronizing such a woke company, Levin’s “American Marxism” is available through Amazon and other retailers. If you click here, you can at least shop Amazon through the National Center’s AmazonSmile link and return a portion of your purchase to FEP and other National Center programs.